
Monday, January 23, 2006

Hollywood -- Pushing Their Agenda and Mocking Christians

Hollywood -- Pushing Their Agenda and Mocking Christians

By Jason T. Christy
January 20, 2006

(AgapePress) - If anyone bothered to watch the Golden Globe Awards on television the other night, they may have been as shocked as I was at the winners. With the exception of a Johnny Cash movie, Walk the Line, and a Sunday evening medical drama, Grey's Anatomy, the award winners were all based upon projects and characters with anything but family values.

The pro-homosexual cowboy film, Brokeback Mountain, was the clear winner with honors for best drama, best director, best song and best screenplay. Not to be outdone, Felicity Huffman, of ABC's Desperate Housewives fame, won best actress for her portrayal of a transsexual in a film adeptly named Transamerica. Other poor examples of what Hollywood is peddling as entertainment include: Weeds, HBO's series about a stay-at-home mother who sells marijuana in her upscale California neighborhood; and George Clooney's (no surprise here) anti-American film, Syriana. After watching the awards show for a few minutes on Monday evening, it became evident that Hollywood executives were using this national exposure as a means of promoting their liberal, anti-American, pro-homosexual agenda. (See related article)

Adding insult to injury is NBC's new Friday series, The Book of Daniel. This outrageous new show features none other than Jesus and creates opportunities for the audience to laugh at him or with him -- neither of which I was comfortable with, much less entertained by. Starring Aidan Quinn as Daniel Webster, a Vicodin-addicted Episcopalian priest who struggles with his family and his church, this drama makes use of the dysfunctional family and takes it to a new low with comments by Jesus. His wife is an alcoholic. His son is gay. His daughter sells marijuana. And his Bishop is having an affair with his father!

I support my friends at the American Family Association (AFA) and their call for a boycott, and applaud them in their efforts to contact advertisers and tell them how this show repulses Christians all over the country. Strangely, the Episcopal Church supports the show, with one diocese even posting a web blog.

Isn't it time for Christians to say enough is enough? Gone are shows with values and movies with messages. They have been replaced with desperate housewives and gay cowboys, pill-popping priests and dope-selling mothers. Join me in supporting AFA to challenge Hollywood for better programming so we don't have to witness another Golden Globe awards like this year.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Stupid in America

Jan. 13, 2006 — "Stupid in America" is a nasty title for a program about public education, but some nasty things are going on in America's public schools and it's about time we face up to it.

Kids at New York's Abraham Lincoln High School told me their teachers are so dull students fall asleep in class. One student said, "You see kids all the time walking in the school smoking weed, you know. It's a normal thing here."

For the whole story visit:

ABC News: Stupid in America