
Friday, May 25, 2007

The High Cost of Free Love

By Heather Sells
CBN News
May 18, 2007 - The old-fashioned romance associated with Valentine's Day is no longer a reality for many young people. That's because casual sex, known as "hooking up," is in.

But at least one campus doctor is worried about the medical and emotional downsides of such activity.

Here is more on the doctor’s concerns, and the politically charged field of sexual health.

Social advocates on both sides of the issue can agree -- our habits and understanding of sex changed profoundly 40 years ago.

Educator Pam Stenzel notes, "In the 1960s, we could do whatever we wanted. Sex was free. It was no big deal."

With the Sexual Revolution, many began to think of sex as a recreational event, with no consequences.

But today, the costs are clear.

Each year, 19-million Americans become infected with a sexually transmitted disease, or STD.

Almost half of them are between the ages of 15 and 24.

Just 40 years ago, only two sexually transmitted diseases existed. Today, there are 25.

There are young people who choose abstinence.

But research shows 47 percent of high school students have had sex, paving the way for a variety of "relationships" in college.

"They're having multiple-partner sex completely indiscriminately," said Stenzel. "It's hooking up. It's friends with benefits. It's something we do cause we're bored on a Friday night. It has nothing to do with intimacy."

With STDs, other problems can come -- like cervical cancer, infertility and depression.

But while it's OK to talk about the mechanics of sex with young people, frank discussion of the medical and emotional downsides has become rare.

And that's why Dr. Miriam Grossman is speaking up.

Her new book Unprotected explains how political correctness has invaded today's university health centers.

As an Ivy-League-trained campus psychiatrist herself, she says health providers can give plenty of information and caution about other risky behaviors -- such as smoking, drinking and overeating.

But when it comes to sex -- risky behaviors are not discouraged.

Her conclusion?

Ideology-driven health care is misinforming, and putting the health of millions of students at risk.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Importing a Slave Class

- We fought a civil war to force Democrats to give up
on slavery 150 years ago. They've become so desperate
for servants that now they're importing an underclass
to wash their clothes and pick their vegetables. This
vast class of unskilled immigrants is the left's new
form of slavery.

- The people who make arguments about "jobs Americans
won't do" are never in a line of work where unskilled
immigrants can compete with them. Liberals love to
strike generous, humanitarian poses with other
people's lives.

- The jejune fact that we "can't deport them all" is
supposed to lead ineluctably to the conclusion that we
must grant amnesty to illegal aliens -- and fast!

We can't catch all rapists, so why not grant amnesty
to rapists? Surely no one wants thousands of rapists
living in the shadows! How about discrimination laws?
Insider trading laws? Do you expect Bush to round up
everyone who goes over the speed limit? Of course we
can't do that. We can't even catch all murderers. What
we need is "comprehensive murder reform." It's not
"amnesty" -- we'll ask them to pay a small fine.

- Noticeably, the biggest proponents of the
government's policy of importing a huge underclass of
unskilled workers are not themselves unskilled

The great bounty of cheap labor by unskilled
immigrants isn't going to hardworking Americans who
hang drywall or clean hotel rooms -- and who are
having trouble getting jobs, now that they're forced
to compete with the vast influx of unskilled workers
who don't pay taxes.

The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking
immigrants -- unlike you lazy Americans -- are the
wealthy, who want the cheap labor while making the
rest of us chip in for the immigrants' schooling, food
and health care.

Ann Coulter

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Why would they ever want to come back?

by Bob Yandian

Psalm 116:15: Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

I ministered from this verse at the memorial service for Chip this week. This verse has been a blessing to me when a Christian dies and goes to be with the Lord. This verse did not say it was precious to us, but to the Lord. In our sight, death is a time for grieving and sorrow. Rightfully so. God commanded Israel to take time to grieve for the death of Moses. And throughout the Word we are given permission to mourn for the absence, the hole that will exist, when our friends and loved ones are gone. But we are also told not to grieve as those who have no hope. Our grieving only lasts for a short time before it is overtaken by the eternal joy inside of us. Our hope is in Jesus and in the fact that we will see the person again.

The death of a saint is precious in the sight of the Lord. We stand on one side of the door and see an exit. God stands on the other side of the door and sees an entrance. Our friends exited this life and entered eternity. From God’s side, it was a glorious event. True success in the Christian life comes from looking at our lives from God’s viewpoint, not ours. We are to set our affection (minds) on things above and not on things of the earth. The mind of Christ, which should guide us daily, tells us that the person is far better off in God’s presence than they ever were on earth. We often ask, “Why would that person want to leave us?” We should be asking, “Why would they ever want to come back?”