
Monday, October 31, 2011

Dr. Joseph Mercola on Health, Wellness

Dr. Joseph Mercola on Health, Wellness and the 'Inevitability' of Attacks Against Him by the FDA & Medical Community

Sunday, October 30, 2011
by Anthony Wile

The Daily Bell is pleased to present an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Introduction: Dr. Joseph Mercola is an osteopathic physician, also known as a DO. DOs are licensed physicians who bring something extra to the practice of medicine. Osteopathic physicians practice a "whole person" approach, treating the entire person rather than just symptoms. Focusing on preventive health care, DOs help patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don't just fight illness, but help prevent it, too. Dr. Mercola is also board-certified in family medicine and served as the chairman of the family medicine department at St. Alexius Medical Center for five years. He runs one of the most popular medical/wellness websites in the world.

Daily Bell: Thank you for sitting down with us. Your website is the gold standard for holistic wellness and scientifically-oriented alternative medical advice. Give us some background on yourself. Where did you grow up and how did you get interested in medicine and nutrition and preventative health care?

Dr. Mercola: I am the oldest of five children, born to parents who never graduated from high school. When I was growing up in Chicago, my parents were well intentioned but I was a sugar junkie. By the time I was in college I had a mouthful of mercury fillings from all my cavities and severe cystic acne.

My love of reading eventually led me to health books. One book in particular, by Dr. Ken Cooper – who was in charge of training astronauts – inspired me to get fit, so I started running and have now been regularly exercising for the past 45 years.

For all of high school and a good part of college, I worked as a pharmacy apprentice in a medical clinic, where I developed the erroneous belief that drugs were the solution for any disease. I started medical school in 1978 and did a three-year family medicine residency from 1982-85. Unfortunately, like most medical students I was brainwashed into becoming a drug-prescribing physician as I bought their philosophy hook, line and sinker.

My transition to natural health began several years after I finished my residency, when I discovered the damaging effects of sugar consumption and its connection to cancer and nearly all chronic disease. I then started attending seminars and educating myself on natural health. I started my website,, in 1997 to help educate others about what I'd learned. My book, Take Control of Your Health, explains this journey in more detail.

Daily Bell: What is your opinion of medicine and healthcare in the West today?

Dr. Mercola: Unfortunately, there is an aberrant collusion between many drug and food industry multinational corporations that has the government endorsing strategies that benefit industry and not the people.

For nearly all chronic disease, which comprises the bulk of health challenges, the entire system is carefully orchestrated to deceive and manipulate people into making choices that merely serve to perpetuate their problems rather than treat the cause. This results in enormous profits for the industry.

This is facilitated through massive conflicts of interests and revolving doors between industry and government.

Most physicians have little training or interest in applying lifestyle changes that can eradicate the bulk of chronic degenerative diseases that plague our society. This is a result of a variety of factors that are primarily related to lack of financial incentives to industry that heavily promote the drug model.

Daily Bell: What is your opinion of the FDA? What does it do?

Dr. Mercola: The FDA's self-described mission is to protect and promote the public health. But the reality is it primarily protects major pharmaceutical industries and their bottom lines, tragically causing more death and disease across the world, rather than helping prevent it. I think the Vioxx scandal is a perfect example of this.

In my opinion, the FDA has gotten so out of control and corrupt that it has totally lost its focus on what exactly it should be doing for public health. The FDA even admitted in a massive self-analysis in 2007 that it lacks the competency and capacity to keep up with scientific advances. Former FDA managers like Dr. David Graham, who revealed on a PBS special that his supervisors had chastised him for even thinking the FDA served the public, have reiterated this.

More proof of this is the transcript of a history of FDA laws and regulations that is on file at Harvard Law School, which explains how years ago an FDA task force established a policy of ensuring that the presence of dietary supplements on the market doesn't act as a disincentive to drug development – something I believe is in direct conflict with what the FDA should be doing for public health.

There are massive conflicts of interests. One reason it's come to this is because the FDA is so financially dependent on the industry it's regulating, through the user fees it gets from these companies.

It's also literally taking away our rights to choose what foods we want to eat, including regulating HOW we consume them. For example, it's seeking to take away our right to consume raw, unpasteurized milk under the guise that raw milk – something that just a few decades ago people drank all the time, straight from the cow, with no one questioning it – might harm us. Yet, at the same time, it allows us (as adults) to walk in a store and purchase cigarettes, a known carcinogen.

Now the FDA is trying to take away our rights to choose to take vitamins and supplements, under Senate Bill 1310, the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act of 2011. They're saying the bill is to improve the safety of dietary supplements, but all it really does is make it financially impossible for vitamin and supplement companies to stay in business.

You simply cannot trust the FDA to make your health decisions for you.

Daily Bell: Should the FDA be abolished?

Dr. Mercola: That is something that obviously does not happen overnight, but I believe in personal responsibility and informed consent over federal mandates and collusion. Any practitioner or business is responsible for their products or services, responsible to inform the benefits and risks and accountable to the judicial system for harm.

Daily Bell: Who is behind the FDA and the attack on traditional (non pharmaceutical) medicine and healing? Is it corporations? A deeper and more powerful entity?

Dr. Mercola: I believe it is a variety of multinational corporations primarily focused in the drug and food industries.

Daily Bell: Who owns and controls the pharmaceutical companies? Is it the same small, powerful group of families that control central banking?

Dr. Mercola: I don't know, as this is something I have not studied.

Daily Bell: What do the controllers of the pharmaceutical companies seek? Are they trying to poison people in some sense? And why?

Dr. Mercola: I don't know. This is something I have not studied.

Daily Bell: The elites who run the world (whoever they are) are said to want to reduce the population of the world drastically. Agree? Disagree?

Dr. Mercola: I don't know. I have not studied that.

Daily Bell: Is there any truth to the idea that vaccines may not be good for you?

Dr. Mercola: People need to know and understand that they do have choices when it comes to vaccines. That includes opting out of vaccine mandates that states make regarding their children. For more information on what your rights are, I refer people to the National Vaccine Information Center's website, where you can learn more about how you can opt out of a vaccine, if that is your choice.

There is no question that there are potential dangers to any vaccine – that's why drug companies put warnings and lists of possible side effects to their vaccines in the package inserts. More specifically, there are 60 studies that now confirm a cancer link to the polio vaccine you had as a child. With the HPV vaccine, which Michelle Bachmann put in the news again, there were 20,915 adverse events reported to the VAERS database, as of December 2010. There also were 89 deaths connected with this vaccine, including a young boy who died eight days after he was vaccinated with Gardasil.

And the VAERS database is believed to represent ONLY ten percent of all the events that occur because only a small number of people even realize it is available to report their reactions on.

Another point that's not widely publicized by vaccine proponents is that sometimes the vaccines cause the very disease they're meant to prevent. We have vaccine-derived polio in Africa as an example of this.

These aren't the only vaccines that can cause serious problems for some people – the chicken pox vaccine, for example, has been associated with a surge in shingles, even in the young children who've received the vaccine. I've addressed these issues and many, many more vaccine-related topics in my newsletters. I think the most important message is to research each vaccine before it's administered, read the package inserts and weigh the risks and benefits before you vaccinate.

When it comes to vaccines, there are three primary questions that need to be considered:

• Is the vaccine in question safe?

• Does it effectively prevent disease?

• And which vaccines, if any, can safely and effectively be given together or in close succession?

A great way to get started at this is to simply use the Search Feature at the top of each of my Web pages and search my site, as it contains a litany of research on vaccine safety, and the lack thereof, or go straight to The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) also provides well-referenced information on vaccines and diseases, such as HPV, rotavirus and polio.

Daily Bell: Do you believe vaccines cause autism, as Dr.Wakefield believes?

Dr. Mercola: I have met and interviewed Dr. Wakefield at length about his work and his personal and professional insights into a number of topics, from the gut-brain connection so often seen in autistic children to the safety of a number of childhood vaccines. For more information on Dr. Wakefield, I urge you to listen to his interview and read my commentary, which is available on my site.

As far as vaccines CAUSING autism goes, the evidence seems very compelling that they play a role. They certainly are not the cause for all cases but they seem to play an important factor for most. The newest information is on the gut-brain connection; those who are born to mothers who have been on antibiotics or eat loads of sugar or take birth control pills tend to pass on unhealthy gut bacteria that, unless improved, can radically increase the child's risk of injury once they are given a vaccine.

Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, a Russian neurologist who has a child with autism, has done some important work in this area and I have an interview with her on this topic on my site.

Daily Bell: There are many additives in foods today. Are they causing cancer, diabetes, etc.? If so, why isn't this better known?

Dr. Mercola: There are many food additives with known links to chronic diseases and ill health. For example, MSG, high fructose corn syrup and aspartame are three of the most dangerous additives in foods today. There are many other hidden additives I've written about, such as food dyes, but these three are at the top. The truth about these additives isn't hidden but for some reason the mainstream media has chosen not to question industry and the FDA on the safety issues associated with these popular, commonly used additives.

Daily Bell: What do you think of the pharmaceutical model of health care that provides you with "cures" for a variety of conditions that may or may not be related to specific diseases?

Dr. Mercola: As I've said before, the pharmaceutical model and focus is to sell treatments that rarely, if ever, address the underlying cause of the disease and tend to perpetuate the long-term sale of their solutions. Their goal is to make money, not to make you well.

Daily Bell: What do you think of Codex Alimentarius?

Dr. Mercola: Codex Alimentarius is a World Trade Organization, global health plan that is a looming threat to your health freedoms. It was created in 1962 through a series of relationships between The World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the American FDA and USDA. The "Codex Alimentarius" itself is a compilation of food standards, codes of practice and guidelines that specify all requirements related to foods, whether processed, semi-processed, genetically engineered, or raw. Their stated purpose is to 'protect consumers' health, ensure fair business practices within the food trade and eliminate international food trade barriers by standardizing food quality.'

But the plan's goals are to designate rules that regulate trade and food standards all over the world, including what you eat, how it's grown or obtained, and even in what form you consume it – for example, raw vs. pasteurized milk. It's formed partnerships with major pharmaceutical companies, and if this plan comes to completion it could force you to buy synthetic versions of the natural vitamins and supplements you take today – at huge costs. This has already happened in Europe, and a current US Senate bill, if passed, paves the way for your supplements to basically be taken from you. It's something that I've been urging my readers to fight for quite a while.

There are many problems with Codex, many of which are not immediately recognizable unless you have the proper perspective. But one of the most bizarre and potentially dangerous issues is their Vitamin and Mineral Guideline, finalized on July 4, 2005, which classifies nutrients as toxins.

Daily Bell: Why have traditional forms of medicine come under such heavy attack?

Dr. Mercola: I believe natural health care is a threat to the conventional medical model. Once you understand that most chronic disease can be prevented, that cancer is largely a man-made disease, than you begin to appreciate that authentic, inexpensive solutions that work are indeed a very serious threat to their profits.

Daily Bell: Will the attackers win?

Dr. Mercola: I don't believe so. I suspect they let the genie out of the bottle with the Internet, which allows information to be rapidly shared with many on a global scale. Ultimately, social networks will allow the truth to prevail.

Daily Bell: What do you think about naturopathy, the idea that the body itself must be kept in balance and that once in balance, you ought not to affect it with medicine of any sort but simply allow the body to heal on its own.

Dr. Mercola: I firmly believe in many of the principles of naturopathy, the primary one being that your body is designed to be healthy if you give it the appropriate foods, sleep and exercise, and are able to avoid toxins and traumas from emotional stressors. This is the fundamental solution for nearly every chronic illness. I am always amazed how the same principles are able to work so well for so many different diseases when applied.

Daily Bell: Is good nutrition the most important thing in the world?

Dr. Mercola: This is probably the single most important physical contributor to health and ideally is the foundation for all health approaches. The challenge, of course, is that there is wide controversy in this area even among most of the natural health experts. Ultimately, if you listen to your body and try a number of different sound strategies you will learn what is best for your body to allow it to thrive, blossom into health and avoid just about all diseases.

Daily Bell: Should people take vitamin supplements?

Dr. Mercola: Supplements are just that, a supplement to a healthy diet, not a replacement for it. However, with our modern society I do believe there are a number of crucial supplements that most people need to seriously consider including

• vitamin D,

• Ubiquinol,

• Astaxanthin,

• a high quality probiotic and

• high quality animal-based omega-3 fats like krill oil.

Daily Bell: Are the regulators winning? Are people being deprived of health care choices?

Dr. Mercola: The federal regulators have complete authority but there is quite a bit of resistance out there. People are seeing firsthand the harm our conventional medical industry is causing, assisted and protected by federal regulators, medical associations and insurance companies. This is all about money, and people are looking for better alternatives. Unfortunately for many, they are trapped in the system and financially, they can't afford to get out of it and they suffer for it.

Daily Bell: What is your opinion of AIDS? Are people being deliberately misinformed? Why?

Dr. Mercola: I was very involved in this topic in the late '80s and even testified before a presidential committee on this topic in Washington, DC. However it is very complex and I haven't studied it enough to have a definitive answer at this time.

Daily Bell: Is medicine and health care in the US and the West anything like you believed it was when you were younger and more idealistic? Have you been shocked at what you have found?

Dr. Mercola: The influence of the drug companies has become far more pervasive. When I first started to practice there were 16 vaccines given before age five and it cost under $100. Now there are 49 and it costs over $2,200. Prior to 1995 drugs were illegal to advertise on TV; now they are pervasive.

At the same time that the increase in drug company influence has occurred we have the Internet, which is a powerful countermeasure to their deceptive influence.

Daily Bell: Why don't more professional medical people stand with you publicly? Are they afraid?

Dr. Mercola: First of all, many do. But I suspect there are many factors that prevent others, as they have not yet been able to break the brainwashing of the current model. I believe the bulk of physicians sincerely seek to do the best they can for their patients and believe that is what they are doing. But once they have learned the truth there is a fear of ostracism with their professional colleagues.

Daily Bell: Are you afraid that your business and your family might come under attack for your views and success?

Dr. Mercola: It seems fairly inevitable.

Daily Bell: Tell us about your business today and how it's going.

Dr. Mercola: We have a solid team of highly committed staff that helps us put together our content and provide resources to help people better take control of their health.

Daily Bell: Are you expanding? What do you plan next?

Dr. Mercola: Our newest initiative is Health Liberty, which is designed to address four of the largest threats to the future of the human race. They are

• GMOs

• Vaccines

• Fluoride

• Mercury in dentistry

Daily Bell: Any other points you want to make?

Dr. Mercola: That covers it.

Daily Bell: Any reading or information you want to refer people to?

Dr. Mercola: I would STRONGLY recommend subscribing to my free daily newsletter to keep current on what is happening in the world of health. We screen hundreds of articles EVERY day and provide the best of the best so you don't have to scour the literature to find out what is going on in the health field.

Daily Bell: Thanks for the insights. Stay well!

We were very happy to interview Dr. Mercola because we admire what he does day in and day out to inform people about the reality of modern Western medicine.

We used to believe that that the ill health provoked by Western governmental policies was purely a mercenary activity but now, sadly, we do not. As the Internet continues to inform of us of the reality of this melancholy world, we've come to believe that the ill health being forced on the world's population is something beyond a bottom-line phenomenon.

To many, fortunately, Dr. Mercola is a wakeup call. He is a beacon of truth, pointing out the barrage of increasingly malicious treatments and policies aimed at every good practice that the human race has been able to acquire over the past several thousand years. Everything from acupuncture to vitamins is under attack these days.

Children are being forced to take vaccine cocktails that give them asthma, maybe autism, or even worse. Vitamins are rapidly being forced into a medical posture thanks to Codex Alimentarius. Soon you may need a prescription to purchase Vitamin C. And then there are sugar substitutes like aspartame and high fructose corn syrup. And as technology advances, there will doubtless be more and more genetically modified food as well.

In the 21st century, good health is not doctors' business; it is not an "expert's" business – these individuals unfortunately must almost certainly be co-opted by the larger medical-industrial complex. Good health is up to YOU. We're glad Dr. Mercola has offered himself up as a guide. He's trusted by many who visit his website, and, given his compassion and conviction, we understand why.

Full article and additional info:

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ex-ACORN operatives playing role in 'Occupy Wall Street' movement

NY Post
Last Updated: 4:29 PM, October 26, 2011

The former New York office for ACORN, the disbanded community activist group, is playing a key role in the self-proclaimed "leaderless" "Occupy Wall Street" movement, organizing "guerrilla" protest events and hiring door-to-door canvassers to collect money under the banner of various causes while spending it on protest-related activities.

Sources told that the former director of New York ACORN, Jon Kest, and his top aides are now busy working at protest events for New York Communities for Change (NYCC). That organization was created in late 2009 when some ACORN offices disbanded and reorganized under new names after undercover video exposes prompted Congress to cut off federal funds.

NYCC's connection to ACORN is not a tenuous one. It works from the former ACORN offices in Brooklyn, uses old ACORN office stationery, employs much of the old ACORN staff and, according to several sources, engages in some of the old organization's controversial techniques to raise money, interest and awareness for the protests.

Sources said NYCC has hired about 100 former ACORN-affiliated staff members from other cities -- paying some of them $100 a day -- to attend and support "Occupy Wall Street." Dozens of New York homeless people recruited from shelters are also being paid to support the protests, at the rate of $10 an hour, the sources said.

Sources said cash donations collected by NYCC on behalf of some unions and various causes are being pooled and spent on "Occupy Wall Street." The money is used to buy supplies, pay staff and cover travel expenses for the ex-ACORN members brought to New York for the protests.

In one such case, sources said, NYCC staff members collected cash donations for what they were told was a United Federation of Teachers fundraising drive, but the money was diverted to the protests.

Sources who participated in the teachers union campaign said NYCC supervisors gave them the addresses of union members and told them to go knock on their doors and ask for contributions -- and did not mention that the money would go toward "Occupy Wall Street" expenses. One source said the campaign raked in about $5,000.

Current staff members at NYCC said the union fundraising drive was called off abruptly last week, and they were told NYCC should not have been raising money for the union at all.

Sources said staff members also collected door-to-door for NYCC's PCB campaign, which aims to test schools for deadly toxins, but then pooled that money together with cash raised for the teachers union and other campaigns to fund "Occupy Wall Street."

Neither NYCC executive director Kest nor his communications director returned repeated email and telephone requests for comment, nor did his communications director.

In a phone interview Tuesday, Harrison Schultz, an "Occupy Wall Street" spokesman, said he knew nothing about NYCC's involvement in the "Occupy" movement.

"Haven't seen them, couldn't tell you," he said.

Read more:

NY Post

Fox News

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kundalini Warning

Kundalini Warning

“Kundalini” spirits invading the church. The footage is truly shocking – but I believe important for people to see.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Or visit JohnTheBaptistTV

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

When opposing homosexuality threatens your job

FIRST-PERSON: When opposing homosexuality threatens your job
Byron Babione
Posted on Oct 24, 2011

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (BP) -- In New Jersey, the Township of Union Public School District has suspended a special education teacher named Viki Knox because she sat in her own home, on her own computer, and expressed her Christian faith on her personal Facebook page.

After seeing a quasi-shrine that had been erected at her school, honoring Harvey Milk, Neil Patrick Harris, and Virginia Woolf for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History month, Knox expressed disapproval of "homosexuality based on her Christian faith."

Just think of it -- although the Bible unequivocally denounces practicing homosexual behavior, groups like Garden State Equality have come out against Knox as if she invented Christianity's teaching on homosexual practices, and they're actually calling for her to lose her job.

Said Garden State Equality chair Steven Goldstein: "I find what she wrote on Facebook endangers the learning atmosphere for students beyond repair and violates the school district's own policy of a safe and comfortable environment for all. She's no longer in a position to teach in the classroom because she will make many students fearful of her hatred."

Ever notice how some like to argue for everyone to have an opinion and the freedom to express it until a person has and expresses an opinion that runs counter to theirs? Once that point is reached, the individual is accused of espousing "hatred," even if what she expressed on her Facebook page was: "The display should not be in the high school. [The school] is not the setting to promote, encourage, support, and foster homosexuality."

This point is made even more poignant when one considers the fact that Knox went out of her way to say that she prays for those who are persecuting her and tells them that God loves them (which is now apparently the same thing as expressing "hatred").

In responding to some of the hateful comments that were made about her, Knox wrote that she doesn't "even use the word hate" unless she's expressing how much she hates being lied about. Rather, she said she has "used words such as unnatural, ungodly, and immoral" to describe the practice of homosexual behavior.

Ironically the Apostle Paul used very similar wording when he warned mankind that individuals practicing homosexual behavior were rushing headlong toward God's judgment:

"Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Knox was very clear in her Facebook entries about the fact that she has family and friends who "practice alternative lifestyles" that she does "not condone or support." Yet she does not force them from her life or withhold her love from them. Rather, she wrote that "Christ draws us all through a love so vast and encompassing that our human minds continue to fail to comprehend ... it."

It appears that the minds at Garden State Equality only hear "hate" when Knox says "love," and only see aggression when Knox extends compassion. But that's not Knox's fault, and she shouldn't be penalized for expressing her faith or her opinion, even if Garden State Equality is of the opinion that she should.

Full article and links:

Monday, October 24, 2011

Language of the Communitarian Church


By Debra Rae
October 24, 2011

Part 3: Language of the Communitarian Church

As social tools go, language is by far the most important. Certainly, it's the most influential. The Proverbs makes this abundantly clear: To guard one's tongue is to preserve life itself,[1] for death and life are in the power of the tongue.[2]

Because each field of study garnishes its own exclusive vocabulary, a trade word oftentimes connotes something altogether different from what the layman might presume. To the tourist, for instance, a Bombay duck is just that; but to the native chef of India, it is more accurately an indigenous fish-dried, salted, and served with curry.[3] Religious speak is all the more confusing-and telling.

In recent years, Christianese increasingly signals the church's dramatic paradigm shift away from biblical fundamentalism. But too few discern error inherent in transformative, seeker-friendly language. The faithful well versed in it freely characterize progressive, prosperous, and/or positive Christianity as purpose-driven, clarified, and subject to laws of change, transcendence, and biomimicry.

In meeting its call to renewal, the emerging church (of man's own making) freely expands core biblical values to accommodate "red-letter," freestyle Christian thought. Indeed, studies reveal that the lion's share of sermons heard by American churchgoers marginalize the Bible and focus instead on mundane survival issues-i.e., nurturing personal relationships, developing human potential, and healing the inner child-that is to say, "privatization of the Gospel."[4]

Self-described advocates of planetary citizenship, creation care, and social justice, nouveau evangelicals participate as enlightened community organizers within the context of God's politics. This takes form in public-private partnerships and faith-based initiatives, requiring process- and/or possibilities- thinking, coupled with the conciliatory language of consensus.

Now, continuous evolutionary change bypasses natural law in favor of social disciplines. But at a price-that of welfare state capitalism. It's reasoned that this, after all, is an age of new images, in search of common ground and for the common good. Moreover, new age appeal to the church's global responsibility presumes need for a new world ethic, language for which is more broadly inclusive than its Judeo-Christian counterpart.[5]

Today's benign-sounding, albeit cutting-edge buzzwords elicit knowing nods from those immersed in it; but then Bible-honoring Christians hold themselves to a higher standard. The book of James makes it abundantly clear that Christians are accountable for the words they use to inspire action and, therefore, they best choose their language wisely in deference to God almighty, not to "tickle the ears" of customers.[6]

Church Government or Corporate Managers?

Charles Colson rightly warns that, all too often, the Gospel has been transformed into a commodity[7] with the local church acting like a retail outlet and church members, its customers. Together, corporate management (church government) and its workforce (customer-members) work in tandem to attract converts and/or new members (noncustomer newcomers). Tithes, offerings, and manpower of newbies promise to better the corporate church's bottom line.

Toward this end goal, Dr. Robert E. Klenck, M.D. ( discloses methods and practices of church growth ministers-those of Dr. Warren, for example.[8] In his business plan, Pastor Warren first considers the felt needs, hurts, and interests of outsiders (noncustomers). Then he examines the Bible in light of these needs in order to determine the most practical, positive, encouraging, simple, personal, interesting ways to meet them.

Warren's message and presentation are strategically designed to make it easier for a nonbeliever to come in, submit to spiritual gifts assessments (personality profiles), sign on to the program, and then be "discipled" in accordance with his strengths. Managers influenced by Drucker-Deming business model [Total Quality Management], progressive pastors as Dr. Warren view church members (customers) as human capital to be equipped for service in the productive whole, otherwise known as the body of Christ. Ostensibly in the best interest of customers, management gathers employment information leading to formulation of databases based on profiling practices.[9]

Flock of Believers or Customers?

While functioning as worker bees under management, customers require ongoing in-service training (i.e., lifelong learning). This is accomplished by means of small groups that practice the dialectic process. Group leaders serve as facilitators or change agents who, in Warren's words, administer "the most effective way of closing the back doors" of their churches.[10]

Through "Bible study" groups, guided dialogue among committed customers and targeted noncustomers leads to consensus; team building is solidified through social ministries that encourage bonding among group members. Pragmatism distinguishes communitarian ministries. While social relationships and fun activities keep folks coming back, so-called accountability groups keep them in line.

What's the Beef?

The question arises, "So, what's the beef?" when the better question is, "Where's the beef?" Blatantly absent from the communitarian agenda is deep study of the Bible.

Yet the Bible is so central to Christianity that early converts, who were not subjected to spiritual gifts assessments and training, nonetheless became passionately, even miraculously eloquent. Starting in an upper room in Jerusalem, they preached the Gospel and virtually exploded across the Greco-Roman world. Theirs was no social justice message. Still, their oratory spread with such ardor that, in the very generation in which Jesus lived, the good news took firm root in all the leading cities of the region.[11]

No ordinary book, the Bible is uniquely "God-breathed" (inspired) and is, therefore, profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness.[12] Modern marketing techniques may indeed draw and hold large numbers of people. But strategically meeting felt needs of potential agents of social change does not fulfill the Great Commission, nor can it.

What distinguishes mature believers from the herd is their success at the greatest enterprise of all, life itself. For them, life has ceased to be a problem to be solved. It's instead a glory to be discerned. While it's true that Christians are genuinely "incorporated" into the body of Christ, the ekklesia of God is not best described as a corporation. Coupling consultants, denominational leaders, tool builders and suppliers with customized forums and workshops may bring to light the best practices known by man, but they overlook the infinitely more essential matter of spirit.

Be sure: Failure to read the Bible publicly[13] and study it diligently[14] signals error.[15] Inspired scripture, when hidden in the heart, keeps one from sin, the very thing that distances God from mankind.[16] Not only is it a source of comfort, delight, and hope, the Bible also lights man's path.[17] The humanistic construct of a quest for the good life/death offers no such promise.

As infants' food, the Bible nurtures growth;[18] and, as a life-giving force, it's a believer's sustenance.[19] It's worthy of being reverenced and esteemed even more than necessary food.[20] After all, the Bible is a probing instrument,[21] a defensive weapon,[22] and a saving power[23]-one that's settled in heaven and forever standing.[24]

Protestantism came about within context of political economy, nationalism, Renaissance individualism, and a rising concern over ecclesiastical abuses, yes. But the church's basic mission today remains that of reconciliation through preaching of the Gospel-this, with administration of Gospel sacraments.[25]

Upon being nourished and sanctified through the Word of God,[26] the church's destiny is to realize full conformity to the Lord and His likeness.[27] In no way is the church primarily a human structure like a political, social, or economic entity. It's the church of the living God, Jesus Christ.[28] Because its function goes beyond man's salvation to the praise of God's glory, neither the church nor its function ceases with completion of its earthly task.[29]


1. Proverbs 13:3.
2. Proverbs 18:21.
3. Debra Rae. "Hijacking Educationese," Part 2, 6 November 2004.
4. Contrary to 2 Peter 1:20.
5. Revelation 22:18-19.
6. 2 Timothy 4:3.
7. David Bryant. Christ Is All: A Joyful Manifesto on the Supremacy of God's Son, Second Edition. New Providence, NJ: New Providence Publishers, Inc., 2005, p. 255.
9. Methodology matters to God. When Moses smote the rock a second time, rather than speaking to it as God commanded, he was refused entrance into the Promised Land. Against the command of God, Uzzah steadied the Ark of the Covenant with his hand. For that disobedience, he was struck dead (2 Samuel 6: 6-7).
10. Taken from The Purpose-Driven Church by RICK WARREN. 1995 by Rick Warren. Used by Permission of Zondervan Publishing House., p. 190.
11. Huston Smith. The Religions of Man. (New York: Perennial Library Harper & Row, Publishers, 1958), 301ff.
12. 2 Timothy 3:16.
13. Deuteronomy 31:11; Joshua 8:35; 2 Kings 23:2; Nehemiah 8:3,18; 13:1; and Jeremiah 36:6.
14. Deuteronomy 17:19; Isaiah 34:16; John 5:39; and Acts 17:11.
15. Jesus Himself warned: "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures," Matthew 22:29.
16. Psalm 119:11.
17. Psalm 119: 47, 82, 105; Romans15:4.
18. 1 Peter 2:2.
19. Ezekiel 37:7; Acts 19:20; Deuteronomy 8:3.
20. Isaiah 66:2-66:2; Job 23:12.
21. Hebrews 4:12.
22. Ephesians 6:17.
23. Romans 1:16.
24. Psalm 119:89; Isaiah 40:8.
25, 2 Corinthians 5:19; Mark 16:15.
26, James 1:18; Ephesians 5:26; 1 Peter 2:2.
27, 1 John 3:2.
28, Matthew 16:18; 1 Timothy 3:15.
29, Ephesians 1:6; 2:7.

Full article with links:

Part 1

Part 2

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The ultimate extinguisher of debt

There was a time when unemployment "insurance" and other forms of dole were unknown in the United States. That was during the time when the country was on the gold standard and deflation meant an increase in the value (purchasing power) of gold. Whenever this happened, the battle cry inevitably was: "There is gold in them thar hills," and people who had lost their jobs typically went out prospecting and panning for gold. Panning for gold always gave them an income and a chance to save some capital. The country did very well, thank you very much, with this "natural unemployment insurance." The bottom line was: More gold for the economy. More gold cured the disease – deflation – and soon things were back to normal. Unemployment did not have a chance to become "structural."

Full article:


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Who owns Yellowstone Park?

If you were to ask 100 Americans "Who owns Yellowstone Park", I suspect most would say "the American People", or "the U.S. government". And they would be wrong, for all practical purposes.

The United Nations controls Yellowstone park - and most other historical properties in America, including the Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, Yosemite and more.

Although the United States Constitution declares that we, the people, shall maintain sovereignty over our lands and treasures, a treaty was signed in 1972 that forces our government to protect historical sites under United Nations mandate. In other words, if the ultra-socialist UN decides that people are causing harm to these places, they can order them closed to the public. We, the People, would have no right to use or visit those places.

In essence, the United Nations' World Heritage Treaty effectively takes away our sovereignty over our own property. A full 68% of all U.S. parks, monuments and preserves are now covered by the UN mandate, including 51 million acres of wilderness. This is in violation of the Constitution and federal law.

Federal legislation has been introduced to restore the rights of Americans against this threat to freedom. The American Land Sovereignty Protection Act of 1999 sought to preserve the sovereignty of the United States over public lands and preserve the private property rights of private citizens. It would have required congressional oversight of U.N. land designations within the U.S. Having researched this proposal, I have been unable to find out anything beyond the bill being turned over to the Senate. No mention of the bill ever having been passed. I strongly urge all Americans to contact their Congressmen and let them know they need to bring this proposal back to life and get it passed into law. This is not a "party" issue. It is an American Sovereignty issue.

NOTE: This is not the only instance in which the rights and freedoms of Americans is slowly being turned over to the United Nations - which, by the way, consists primarily of nations that want to see us be destroyed. There are proposals that would allow the UN to decide whether or not vitamins and minerals, as well as natural herbal remedies, be removed from the open market. And there have been proposals that would grant the same kind of control over private property in the US. And the Kyoto Treaty would require the US to lose its position as the major industrial nation, while allowing our competitors (like India & China) to have a free pass on pollution.

We simply cannot allow anyone to take away our sovereignty. Particularly not an enemy organization like the United Nations. Give those nations the chance and they would quickly disembowel us.

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Monday, October 17, 2011


By Paul McGuire
October 4, 2011

In 1962, Singer Frank Sinatra starred in a movie called “The Manchurian Candidate.” A softer version of the film, starring Denzel Washington, came out a few years ago. In the original movie, it is clear that the political assassin was programmed by the Communists. For the first time on a mass level, the American people confronted the harsh realities of the science of brainwashing and mind control. What many people don’t know is that the science of mind control has grown exponentially, like computer technology and biotechnology. Individual mind control and mass brainwashing is an integral part of Presidential elections. The question is which candidate is the Manchurian Candidate?

The Democratic Party and Republican Party, along with their Presidential candidates are controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). What the American people get is the choice of voting for CFR Candidate A or CFR Candidate B, while being given the illusion of choice. The CFR agenda is to destroy America as a sovereign nation and force America to be under the control of a one world government. Presidential candidates are often selected at a young age. They are selected, groomed, and introduced to “handlers, “that guide and shape them. The methodology of brainwashing and programming is given in different degrees depending on the individual. For example, the President’s programming may have been developed by the modern educational system, mentoring by key people that were deliberately brought into their lives. They are invited into the Bilderberg Group, CFR, Bohemian Grove, and other groups which expose them to the doorways of ultimate power where they are seduced.

Some politicians are easily led because their lust for position, power, fame, and sex. Their lust acts a control mechanism. Bill Clinton is an example of that kind of programming. His “handlers” allowed him to develop a strong sexual addiction and his ideology was developed as a Rhodes Scholar, founded by Cecil Rhodes who wanted to create a one world government. Clinton was also mentored by a number of men, including Professor Carroll Quigley. It is no accident that Bill and Hillary Clinton had a globalist/socialist worldview. Bill Clinton also visited Russia as a Rhodes Scholar. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were both disciples of the radical Communist organizer Saul Alinsky. Alinsky taught the Marxist strategy of manufactured crisis, which coincides with Illuminati term, “Order Out of Chaos.” The programming of presidents goes back a long time in American history. Col. Edward Mandell House, an agent for the Federal Reserve, a key leader in what would become the CFR, was the handler for Woodrow Wilson starting before 1911. House was known for his ability to control minds and the mind of Woodrow Wilson. Col. House was a radical Marxist who wanted to see a violent Communist Revolution in the United States, which he revealed in his novel, “Philip Dru: Administrator. Dru was the alter ego of Col. Mandell House. Dru planned the violent overthrow of the U.S. government and the establishment of a dictatorship, This now being implemented by the deliberate destruction of the dollar and the manufactured crisis, which could bring global economic collapse and a totalitarian state to manage the chaos.

Dr. Cuddy has documented the fact, that after World War II, the American intelligence agency, the OSS, which became the CIA, smuggled in large numbers of Nazi mind control scientists and put them in very high positions under Operation Paperclip. Soon afterwards the MK ULTRA brainwashing program was being used against U.S. citizens. It was trauma based programming, which used torture, LSD, and hypnosis to create Manchurian Candidate style programming. The Soviet Union also launched powerful mind control and brainwashing operations for the specific purpose of overthrowing nations like the United States and turning them into totalitarian Communist States.

Roy Masters, of the Foundation for Human Understanding, has done enormous research in this area and has made available the book, “Brainwashing – A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitcs.” The original book was published in the 1930’s and it was used to teach Communist agents how to brainwash people and subvert entire populations. Pschopolitics is very real and it is currently being used as a weapon against the American people, especially in the area of politics. It is a mass brainwashing strategy.

Let’s look at some of the Presidential candidates. Rick Perry claims to be a conservative, but managed Al Gore’s campaign. He aggressively promoted the NAFTA Superhighway and is in favor of giving $100,000 subsidies to illegal immigrants. Millions of Middle Class American families have to take out massive loans, raid their retirement and both husbands and wives have to work more than one job to pay for their children’s college tuition. Perry basically says his motivation for giving out the American taxpayer’s money, from a country that is essentially bankrupt, is about love. First, that packaged answer was an attempt at brainwashing the voter. It backfired! Perry attempted to reframe the argument around love. But, what about all the Middle Class children that have no mother or father around because the mother and father are working, therefore, the kids end up on drugs and sexual promiscuity. Where’s the love for all the taxpaying American citizens who not only have to pay for the enormous financial cost, but because they are so busy working, they end up paying for it in divorce, serious problems with their children and raiding their retirement. In addition, there are growing numbers of women who can’t afford to stay at home and be a full time mother to their children in order to pay for Governor Perry’s $100,000 subsidies for illegals.

Perry’s support of subsidies and the NAFTA superhighway has absolutely nothing to do with love! Perry is following the marching orders elite who can put him in power, like the CFR. The whole plan of unifying Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. into one nation, transferring wealth from the American Middle Class into Mexico, open borders and paying for the education of illegals was created by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Marxist think tank, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). Did Perry undergo MK ULTRA? I doubt it. He can be controlled by his lust for power and position, plus a little programming. Newt Gingrich is a globalist who pretends to be a conservative. But, Gingrich has been the CFR’s point man for years, promoting NAFTA, GATT, WTO and the North American Union. Gingrich is a bright man, who has been indoctrinated into the “Third Way,” which is a subtle brainwashing technique that came out of the Tavistock Institute and the Frankfurt School which programs people to transition from Capitalism and a Constitutional Republic into one world socialism. We could go down the list of Republican candidates who essentially are promoting the game plan of the globalists behind the Federal Reserve and the CFR. Whether they acknowledge it or not, they are transitioning America from a Capitalist nation to a Socialist nation and eventually a Communist nation ruled by a dictatorship.


They are Manchurian Candidates that have been indoctrinated into this “Third Way” ideology, from the leaders they meet, the globalist organizations they network with, and their relationships with the Federal Reserve and the CFR. They have been subtly programmed by learning processes that were originally developed by the Soviet Union. Compare the thinking of Ayn Rand, author of “Atlas Shrugged,” who escaped Communist Russia as a young girl and actually witnessed what Communism was really all about. Unlike candidates like Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Jon Huntsman, Gary Huntsman, and Tim Pawlenty, Ayn Rand understands how the Soviets brainwash through social mechanism like collectivism, communitarianism and consensus. The Soviet Union developed extremely subtle, but effective forms of brainwashing such as collectivism and communitarianism.

Michelle Bachman, an openly conservative evangelical Christian, may have CIA handlers in her organization. Ron Paul seems to be a truly independent candidate who understands the Constitution, the Federal Reserve and the plan of the international bankers.

The elite and globalists use Communism to gain total control over nations. That is why Rockefeller praised Chairman Mao, because it is a society under total control where the worker bees toil like slaves for the New World Order.

In 1985, the Republican President Reagan and Soviet President Gorbachev signed the U.S. - USSR Education Exchange Agreement. It put American technology into the hands of Communist strategists and, in return, gave us all the psycho-social strategies used in Communist nations to indoctrinate Soviet children with Communist ideology and to monitor compliance for the rest of their lives. Our modern education system operates with Soviet psychopolitics. Bush furthered the agenda by implementing Outcome Based Education (OBE) and funding UNESCO.

The Soviet writers of a book on brainwashing and psychopolitics said, “Psychopolitics is a solemn charge. With it you can erase our enemies as insects. You can cripple the efficiency of leaders by striking insanity into their families through the use of drugs. You can wipe them away with testimony as to their insanity. By our technologies you can even bring about insanity itself when the people seem too resistive.

You can change their loyalties by psychopolitics. Given a short time with a psychopolitician you can alter forever the loyalty of a soldier fallen into our hands or a statesman or a leader in his own country, or you can destroy his mind.”

The U.S has been under an all-attack of psychological warfare called pyschopolitics. The CIA has been conducting a psychological warfare counter attack since MK ULTRA. President Barack Obama has strong CIA connections that go back to his parents. Although the trail is hard to trace, it appears Obama was part of a series mind control programs going back to his childhood.

However, there is vital component in the brainwashing of Presidential candidates that is often overlooked. This component is the fact that the entire American population has been programmed for decades through pyschopolitics in a mass Manchurian Candidate operation. The present condition of America socially, economically, spiritually, culturally and politically is simply an expression of mass brainwashing.

With such a massive psychological attack against our nation, what can we do to launch a counter attack and preserve our freedoms? Here are some things we can do:

1. With great wisdom and intelligence we can deprogram our friends, family and neighbors through highly strategic conversations. Remember many of these people are in a hypnotic trance and are brainwashed. Attacking them and insulting them does not work. It is more than convincing them with facts. A hypnotized person cannot hear the facts. Through strategic persuasion in small incremental doses, win their friendship and then win their minds.

2. Remember the Big Brother media has already brainwashed them into believing you are a conspiracy nut. Break that programming by presenting yourself as a highly credible authority. That begins with the way you dress and your personal appearance. If you dress and act like the stereotypical conspiracy nut, you have marginalized yourself. Practice and study how best to present yourself. Dress in the style that is you, but it should be clean, attractive, as well as your personal grooming. Smile, have a twinkle in your eye and act like you have a winning hand while playing poker. Your calm demeanor will completely disarm them and they will sense you have the winning hand in the discussion. It will drive them crazy and eventually break the programming.

3. Know what you are talking about and how to present in a logical manner.

4. Remember there is great power in speaking the truth, there is an energy and force behind it.

5. Get involved spiritually and politically. Ultimately the war we are fighting is spiritual.

6. Strategically rock the boat. When you have the opportunity speak out to the media, in public arena’s, your community or wherever, use it. Their reaction does not matter, eventually through constant bombardment from many people; you can change the tide of public opinion.

Pray and ask for supernatural help and wisdom. You must be supremely confident in the spiritual power of truth and learn to use it as a spiritual sword. Never surrender to defeat and despair. Believe that it can done! With wisdom, move out offensively.

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