
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More Wealth Confiscation

The Telegraph April 30, 2013 European politicians will take the “easy option” of taking money from the rich rather than raising taxes and cutting spending to deal with the continent’s debt problem, Lars Christensen, the head of Saxo Bank, said. Asked if the raid on uninsured savings in Cyprus would be repeated, he told City AM: “There will be future bail-ins [loss of deposits] and other types of confiscation of wealth in the eurozone, without a doubt. “There’s no other realistic way forward if politicians continue to fail to deal with the basic indebtedness problem across Europe. They will either have to raise taxes and cut spending, or politicians will take the easier route and take money from the rich.”

Truth Squads

Obama To Unleash “Truth Teams” To Counter Negative Coverage
GOP describes squads of supporters as “propaganda teams to deceive voters”
Steve Watson
February 13, 2012
The Obama campaign is to “educate” and deploy what it describes as “truth teams” to ensure that any attacks on the president’s record are feverishly countered in the run up to the general election.
ABC News reports that teams of Obamanoids will be launched initially in 13 “swing states,” including Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia.
“The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama’s record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives,” the campaign said in a statement.
“If the other guys are going to run a campaign based on misrepresenting the president’s record – and their own – we have two options: sit back and let these lies go unchallenged, or fight back with the truth,” deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said in an email. ”We’re fighting back.”
Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski issued a response to the news, noting “The Obama campaign is organizing propaganda teams to deceive voters because Americans are catching onto the reality that Obama’s record doesn’t match his rhetoric.”
“How else will they mask the broken promises like introducing another trillion dollar deficit or the fact that the president continues to recycle the same proposals without ever seeing results?” Kukowski told ABC News in an email.
This is not the first time the Obama campaign has deployed squads of jacked up supporters in such a way. In 2008, Obama’s “Fight the Smears” campaign involved more than 1 million supporters in “public education” roles.
One “Obama truth squad” in Missouri vowed to arrest anyone telling ‘lies’ about Obama, and acted to otherwise intimidate anyone criticizing him or his policies.
Obama also made use of incredibly Orwellian sounding “truth squads” to aid in flagging up and denouncing opponents of his health care plan in 2009. The Obama campaign asked supporters to report any negative press or emails to the White House.
The Obama campaign also asked truth squads to work overtime to refute every claim made by author Jerome Corsi in his book “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” – an investigation into claims that Obama is not a natural born US citizen.
However, the plan somewhat backfired when the squads began to re-write history and were called out for suggesting tangible truths were made up lies on Corsi’s behalf.
In September last year, the Obama campaign also launched a new website called, offering Obama volunteers “new resources to fight back”.
The obsession with denouncing and refuting every criticism of Obama by his campaign is a long running one. Perhaps the most dangerous proponent of such activity is the man Obama appointed to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Cass Sunstein.
As Obama’s “Information Czar”, Sunstein repeatedly called for an internet “Fairness Doctrine”. Sunstein proposed an online model whereby any article or blog expressing an opinion of dissent against the White House or Obama would be mandatorily accompanied with an official government rebuttal on the same page
Sunstein also outlined a plan for the government to infiltrate “conspiracy groups” in order to undermine them. In his January 2008 white paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” he proposed that “under imaginable conditions” the government “might ban conspiracy theorizing” and could “impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories.”
In effect, Sunstein stated that he wished to tax or ban outright, as in make illegal, opinions and ideas that the government doesn’t approve of.

Bad moon over America

By Douglas J. Hagmann
29 April 2013: As the events in Boston played out over the last two weeks, one facet of this administration’s actions kept troubling me.  I couldn’t quite see it through the dense fog of information and accusations at first, but then in the dark of a restless night after my oral surgery a few days ago, I looked skyward and asked God Almighty for some light on the big picture, because I’m a “big picture, bottom line” kind of guy.  It seemed that within seconds, the clouds overhead began to break, and out of the darkness rose a full moon.  Somehow it seemed like an answer, but how?

I thought about my family and friends and then about my country and the world.  I tend to be a little dense at times and it still wasn’t quite clear to me what the moon rising on the horizon had to do with my hope for divinely inspired insights and revelations.  Amid the haze of my pain and medication, I startled myself by talking out loud to the Almighty, perhaps a bit too testily for which I hope I will be forgiven. “Don’t you see,” I fumed, “I’m just trying to get some perspective on our situation. How can I help people if I can’t get their attention on the big problems looming right in front of us?”

Perhaps it was the medication, but for the life of me I thought I heard God chuckle a bit as I just stood there staring at the odd moonlit shapes and shadows around me.  It’s strange how moonlight makes the colors go away, turning everything monochrome.  The dark shadows of a rising moon distort and lie about what is really around you.  The buds and flowers on the oak and cherry tree branches which seemed so beautiful and reassuring on the previous spring afternoon suddenly become foreboding and stark.  The slightest, rustling breeze puts one’s senses on edge, seeing what your imagination is hearing.

Bad moon rising

Standing in the darkness, my thoughts wandered to a song from my youth by Credence Clearwater Revival, Bad Moon Rising. The lyrics were well imprinted in my subconscious: “I see the bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin’. I see bad times today. Don’t go around tonight, well, it’s bound to take your life, there’s a bad moon on the rise.”

I already felt sick and the thoughts induced by that rock scripture weren’t very comforting.  Not being one to leave fate completely to chance, I walked back inside where I chased a couple more pills with some clear water in pursuit of my own “revival.”  While waiting for the promised relief I took a deep breath and badgered the Almighty yet again, clearly showing my heightened exasperation, for which I have since apologized.

“Please excuse my blindness, but what am I missing here?  I see a full moon.  How’s that relevant to Boston or Benghazi?  How does that tell us anything about the times we’re in?”

Bad economic moon

I complained to God that I’ve written about the peril our economy is facing as this president and his administration are kissing up to the globalists, and are in apparent agreement with their curses on our currency with their proclamations that they intend to “just kill the dollar.”  In those moonlit moments, I complained about how wrong it seemed that no one has yet to challenge the president by asking whether the statement made by a high level Obama Administration official is truly their intent or if this official perhaps misstated the administration’s position.

Perhaps “we the people” don’t have the right perspective on the matter and there is a defensible situation that the president and this administration could envision where “killing” the dollar was a wise alternative that could be made to make sense to the American people… and for that matter, all other people around the world who rely on a stable U.S. dollar as their country’s reserve currency.  I again stared at the rising arc of the full moon.  I felt a bit indignant at the indignity of the situation.  I again begged God out loud, “please, please help me to see the obvious, if it’s actually that obvious!  What am I missing here, what’s right in my face that I’m not seeing?”

A tale of two moons

I closed my eyes and for a moment and I thought God directed a little nod to me, telling me to “look again!” After giving my eyes a moment to readjust, I looked back up at that full moon. In the blur and for an instant I was seeing double! Albeit briefly, two moons.

Instantly, like a silver bullet to the center of my brain it hit me, striking me hard right between the eyes and in a Godly instant it was clear as day.  It’s all a matter of perspective! The Almighty allows me to see it clearly now, it was always right there, but I just didn’t comprehend it correctly, or completely.

Now, bear with me here for a moment as my thoughts instantly went to the predicament my friend had over some neck ties that were marketed for men a few years ago. They looked conservative and relatively innocent so my friend’s mother had bought a few for him as a gift.  He had occasionally worn them around and never gave it a thought until his girlfriend’s mother had asked him, rather incredulously, if he thought it was really appropriate to wear a particular tie (his favorite until then) to a relative’s wedding where they were headed as a group.  She said “all those dead heads, skulls and naked women are really not very respectful to the sensibilities of the congregation who do not expect to be insulted by such indignities in God’s house. It’s just not right!”

Well, my friend failed to see the pictures hidden within the pictures. In his defense, he claims that a little color blindness mixed with intermittent dyslexia contributed to the problem. We were both amused that he could not see what his future mother-in-law saw so clearly and so immediately.  Upon his arrival at the church, he walked directly into the rest room where it seemed that most of the clergy and half of the choir were present. There, along with the choir and clergy, he explained his plight as they all stood in front of a mirror and looked for several long seconds at my friend’s tie.

Almost simultaneously, perhaps assisted by the mirror’s correction of the dyslexic-crossed brain wires, there it was, the montage of madness hidden within the tie that his mother-in-law so readily saw. 

Following a group blush, my friend quickly removed his tie and entered the church. Later, he recounted that he tossed that tie and the others into his fireplace, disposing of them like a possessed Ouija board. 

He watched as the flames contorted the colorfully glowing, coiled and writhing forms until they flattened dead to ashes.  He is amazed to this day at how the obvious pictures within the picture had eluded him so completely.  He has repeated the tale to me many times since, vowing that he “won’t be fooled again.”

That’s how I feel now, it all a matter of perspective, and I also am vowing to never “be fooled again!”

Against the backdrop I have painstakingly but purposefully detailed, I see Barack Hussein Obama now and in the past bowing to foreign kings and princes, and I see his officials, staff and even the people closest to him doing the same.  He pays these foreigners the dignity of his bows… but from my perspective, and America’s perspective, we’re just getting MOONED. There, I said it. We’re getting MOONED by the president and the members of his administration who are following his lead.

But, as if that’s not bad enough, we’re also getting MOONED by Congress.  They won’t pass a budget, but don’t you dare be one day late on your taxes. They bend over and pay foreigners, globalists, and murdering Wahabist/Jihadist scammers with the sweat off our brow.  They dignify their foreign benefactors evil deeds with deep virtual bows, while imposing the indignities of their MOONING stench upon us in the form of increasingly invasive burdens of regulations and taxes, further hampering our ability to function as a nation.

As any farm kid in flyover country can tell you from personal experience, you can’t run, let alone move very fast in farm-fresh fertilizer muck. The deeper and wetter it is the slower you go; and whatever you do, watch where you step, don’t let it slop over the top of your boots because the smell doesn’t wash away easily.

Now you might imagine that the subject of being “mooned” is a bit over the top and as such not suitable for “decent folk” to discuss publicly. Given the divine origins of my current enlightenment, however, I’ll continue along with anyone so inclined to further consider my divinely inspired thoughts on the perspective we are being provided by those “assuming the positions” of representative leadership within our fine Republic.

I will, however, pause momentarily to allow any of you who feel the need to exit this article now, due to my references to the Almighty and the angst this might have caused the atheists and even the Progressives among you. Blame it on the “mentical” (my new word) damage as a consequence of my pain and medication if you must, and accept my sincere apologies as you depart.

There is, however, an interesting historical precedent for “mooning,” which is a bit of trivia you probably thought you could do without. The first known incident of “mooning” someone reportedly took place in 66 AD, when a Roman soldier mooned Jewish pilgrims on their way to the Temple in Jerusalem. It was near the beginning of the First Roman–Jewish War and caused a riot that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Jewish pilgrims. As we fast forward a couple thousand years, apparently little has changed.

The Obama moon rising

It was four years ago this month that photographs and video appeared of Barack Hussein Obama bowing deeply to Saudi Arabian King Abdullah at a G20 meeting, causing criticism by some conservative commentators who opined that his gesture was nothing more than a Hillbilly gaffe, or ignorance of protocol, considerately giving Obama the benefit of the doubt.  Others believe he exercised proper etiquette in that situation. I submit to you that given the events and news headlines of the last 5 years, both assertions are utterly incorrect and fatally naive.

Obama’s deep bow was the body language of submission, and equally disgusting as his predecessor’s kissing and hand holding with his Saudi counterpart. First, let’s stick with being mooned as this action is more relevant to present-day events, including but not limited to the murderous attacks in Boston on April 15, 2013.

The blood red moon over Boston

Can you tell me with absolute certainty exactly what happened in Boston on April 15, 2013? Do you believe the official government narrative of all accounts of that day and the days that followed? If you question the events and the identity of the perpetrators and hold the government accountable in your position as watchmen, you risk being marginalized and described with pejoratives by the power elite. 

Yet, the bombing attack provides us with the most recent clues about what is taking place directly in front of us, as the holes in the official narrative are nearly as large as those that exist in the security at our southern border and just as numerous. Despite the many inconsistencies that can be identified and dissected, one critical aspect of the Boston marathon bombing will provide valuable, if not undeniable insight into the deep bow or bad moon rising.

It is the account of Saudi national Abdullahrahman Ali al Harbi.  If that name is unfamiliar, it is because our government and the corporate media intends it that way. In fact, the mere unauthorized discussion of al Harbi comes with the threat of jail for boots-on-the-ground field investigators. It is that serious and that much of a threat to the ultimate powers of government.

Glenn Beck and Alex Jones both extensively covered the account of al Harbi, which is the best example of the latest mooning of every American. Therefore, I will not rehash the details here. The case of al Harbi, however, included so many senior administration officials, that this bow to the Saudis (and the mooning of America) was so incredibly deep that from my perspective, it appeared that they were all not just bowing, but grabbing their ankles.

The now infamous bow to the Saudi King was like a bad moon rising over America, much the same as the first recorded “mooning” by a Roman soldier that ended up causing the deaths of thousands of Jewish pilgrims some two centuries ago. It’s a matter of perspective - on which side of the bow you are on. Unfortunately, Americans have been “mooned” in favor of the Saudis, but despite ample evidence have yet to realize it.

Failure to understand that the bow we witnessed has put all Americans under imminent threat of permanent brain damage as a result of hypoxia to our brain cells - the body politic of America. The oxygen deprivation that will cause our deaths is due to our elected officials, from the president to members of congress, being forced to maintain the contorted position of a deep bow turned into cranial-rectal inversion therapy at the behest of our Saudi controllers.

The Saudis, their globalist handlers and every person on the “proper side” of the deep bow contortion are laughing at you while you willingly sacrifice the lives of our sons and daughters in battles that do not represent our best interests.

How does that make you feel? If you’re not angry, and I mean damn angry, then you’re not seeing the bigger picture.

Finally, the full moon

From Benghazi to Boston, no one from this administration or congress can reveal the truth, for doing so will expose the deep and incestuous U.S.-Saudi intelligence connections and common agenda. It will expose the Muslim Brotherhood inside and outside of the government, from the Department of State to the military to the Department of Homeland Security.

If you’re looking for answers from congress about Benghazi, you will not get them, for the captains of America’s body politic are all involved, and are placing all of us in extreme peril. If you cannot see, for example, that America was deeply involved in the illegal transfer of arms to anti-Assad terrorists on behalf of the Saudis in violation of international law, and the misallocation of American men, women and assets in pursuit of that agenda, then you are not looking in the proper places. How much clearer can it be that America is being used to establish a pan-Islamic empire? How much clearer can it be that we are assisting and protecting the Saudis at every turn?

By dancing to the tune of the Saudi royal agenda, the way is being paved for a new armed conflict in the Middle East that will make the totality of the conflicts over the last half-century tame by comparison. I’m talking about World War III. Every American administration since the early twentieth century has bowed to the Saudi-globalist interests, culminating to this very point in history. Does it now make sense how and why Barack Hussein Obama was “selected” to be in office at this moment in time? Just follow the money, which buys influence.

Now is the moment of decision for all Americans who can see the “big picture.”  Through our words and deeds, either we compel our elected officials to “think American,” break free from this Saudi-globalist agenda, and require them to pay us the dignity of addressing us directly, respectfully and appropriately as fellow citizens and not subjects, or we must draw our own deep red line in the sand. It’s the American way. Otherwise, we better prepare to limber up and start our stretching exercises immediately, for the next big bow in which we’ll likely be required to participate will break even the most flexible among us.

Full article:
Lesbian Activist’s Surprisingly Candid Speech: Gay Marriage Fight Is A ‘Lie’ To Destroy Marriage
A 2012 speech by Masha Gessen, an author and outspoken activist for the LGBT community, is just now going viral and it includes a theory that many supporters of traditional marriage have speculated about for years: The push for gay marriage has less to do with the right to marry – it is about diminishing and eventually destroying the institution of marriage and redefining the “traditional family.”

Monday, April 29, 2013

peace and safety

The apostle Paul, as prophet, wrote the following:
For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

George W. Bush, Address to the Nation, September 11, 2001: “America and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace and security in the world, and we stand together to win the war against terrorism.”

George W. Bush, Rose Garden Speech on April 4, 2002: “Israel has recognized the goal of a Palestinian state. The outlines of a just settlement are clear: two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side, in peace and security.”

President Vladimir Putin, Joint Statement with President George W. Bush, May 24, 2002. Taking this as their basis: “Russia and the USA intend to exert maximum efforts in order to realize this vision of a negotiated settlement of the conflict, which includes the existence of two states - Israel and Palestine - living in peace and security within recognized borders.”

Meeting between Prime Minister Tony Blair and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. January 28, 2013: “It is up to us to work for peace and security, and no one is more fitting to work on this than you,” he said (Netanyahu). Blair replied, “I look forward to working with you on matters of peace and security. We have many challenges, but I’m sure they can be overcome with good will and hard work.”

Condoleezza Rice, American Jewish Committee’s 96th Annual Meeting, 2002: “On April 4, President Bush articulated a vision of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.”
Hillary Clinton, November 30, 2012 address in Washington: “America supports the goal of a Palestinian state, living side by side in peace and security with Israel.”

President Barack Obama, Jerusalem International Convention Center, Jerusalem. March 21, 2013: “I’d like to focus on how we -- and when I say “we,” in particular young people -- can work together to make progress in three areas that will define our times -- security, peace and prosperity. ... First, peace is necessary. I believe that. I believe that peace is the only path to true security.”

The New Methods Of Calculating GDP Make The Economy 'Bigger' Than It Used To Be
Don Draper, Mad Men’s master advertiser likes to say “when you don’t like what they are saying, change the conversation.” When it comes to the current economic weakness, which was confirmed again today by the release of lower than expected GDP data, Washington would love do just that. 
Obama: Pass My Budget or Suffer More 'Pain'
In his weekly address, Pres. Obama threatened Americans with more sequester "pain" if they don't convince Congress to pass his budget. "Because of these reckless cuts, there are parents whose kids just got kicked out of Head Start programs...There are seniors who depend on programs like Meals on Wheels...There are military communities...coping under new strains. All because of these cuts."  

(How about we suspend pay and vacations for Congress and the President's family?)
Pentagon Taps Anti-Christian Extremist for Religious Tolerance Policy
“Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation’s armed forces.” Those words were recently written by Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), in a column he wrote for the Huffington Post. 

(That's right, drum out anyone in the military who has any moral foundation.  Then there won't be any military members left who have a problem firing on American citizens, going from house to house seizing guns, enforcing large scale martial law...)
Burma: Christian Converts Lose Jobs and Homes
Persecution is increasing in Burma for Buddhists who convert to Christianity, Voice of the Martyrs reports. As people turn to Jesus Christ, they have difficulty keeping jobs and are often driven from their hopes, according to a VOM worker.
Reps challenge DHS ammo buys, say agency using 1,000 more rounds per person than Army
Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Thursday that the Department of Homeland Security is using roughly 1,000 rounds of ammunition more per person than the U.S. Army, as he and other lawmakers sharply questioned DHS officials on their "massive" bullet buys. "It is entirely ... inexplicable why the Department of Homeland Security needs so much ammunition," Chaffetz, R-Utah, said at a hearing.  
Russian Scientists: ‘We Could Face Cooling Period For 200-250 Years’
‘We could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years. The period of low solar activity could start in 2030-2040.’ Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

9 Bad Charismatic Habits We Need to Break

I love the Holy Spirit’s gifts. But some of our “Spirit-filled” practices are questionable.

Anybody who has read this column before knows I’m unapologetically charismatic in my theology. I love the Holy Spirit, and I believe the New Testament calls us to make room for manifestations of the Spirit. The apostle Paul gave guidelines for the gift of prophecy; he saw dramatic healings; he experienced supernatural visions; and he told church leaders not to forbid speaking in tongues (see 1 Cor. 14:39). Paul was the epitome of charismatic spirituality.

But not everything we do today in the name of the Holy Spirit is a valid expression of His power. Over the past four decades, we charismatics have invented some lame practices that not only make us look silly but actually turn people off to our message. I figure we started these behaviors because of immaturity—and I can laugh about them because I’ve done some of them myself. But it’s 2013, and I think God expects more of us.

I realize this can be sensitive if you have one or more of these bad habits. But please pray over this list before you blast me for being critical.

1. The body slam. There are times when people feel woozy or weak-kneed when the Holy Spirit touches them. I leave room for that. But can we please stop pushing people to the floor? Any minister who hits, shoves or slaps people at a church altar is being extremely rude. He is also relying on his own swagger to demonstrate he has the power to “slay” people in the Spirit. If you pushed someone to the floor, God had nothing to do with it.

2. The courtesy drop. We’ve all done it. Many people fall while receiving prayer because they figure it’s the spiritual thing to do. But there is nothing in Scripture that says you have to fall to receive healing or an anointing. You receive by faith. It’s perfectly fine to stay standing. And you may actually protect yourself from getting stepped on!

3. The song that never ends. I used to love the chorus “Let It Rain” until some churches drove this tune into the ground by playing it 159 times in a row. After the first 30 go-rounds, I want to scream, “Change the channel!” God doesn’t listen to us more intently if we are repetitive, as if we were doing a rain dance to make Him hear us. It’s OK to end the song and start a new one!

4. The amateur flag corp. Banners and flags became a hot worship trend in the 1980s, and pageantry can still be effective when practiced and performed for an audience. But where did we get the idea that waving flags, sticks or other sharp objects within two feet of people’s faces was a smart idea?

5. The wannabe telethon offering. I have been in meetings where the preacher gave a 25-minute offering sermon (before the main message) and then asked everyone in the audience to parade to the front for the next 15 minutes. Yes, giving money to God is worship. But when the offering takes longer than any other part of the service, I start to wonder if we are being taken for a ride.

6. The sermon with seven endings. Speaking of money, I wish I had a dollar for every time a preacher has said, “I’m starting to close.” I don’t mind a long sermon, and I’ve been guilty of going over my time limit. But you are flat-out lying if you tell an audience you’re finishing when you actually still have half an hour to go.

7. The praise-a-go-go dancers. I love to dance in church—and it’s normal in many of the ethnic congregations I visit. But I fear we unleashed a monster when we encouraged amateur dance teams to hop around on stage in unitards—in front of visitors! It’s not unspiritual to ask: “Will this look goofy?”

8. The ear-shattering amp. When the early church prayed, the buildings shook. Today we shake our buildings by turning up the volume of our sound systems. You know they are too loud when church members pop in earplugs during worship. “Charismatic” does not mean “loud,” and our spirituality is not measured in decibels.

9. The "jump-start" glossalalia. I will never apologize for the gift of tongues, and I believe it is a wonderful gift every Christian can have. But somone got the idea they could “prime the pump” by asking people to repeat certain phrases in order to uncork a prayer language. Asking someone to say, “I tie my bow tie, I tie my bow tie,” is not going to prompt a miracle. Quit manipulating the Holy Spirit.

The apostle Paul, in laying down guidelines for charismatic gifts, told the Corinthians, “When I became a man, I put away childish things” (1 Cor. 13:11). As we embrace the Spirit’s work, let’s allow Him to guide us into maturity so we don’t foolishly squander His power.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Dump Starbucks Stocks


Offended by the decision of Starbucks chief Howard Schultz to support gay marriage,
a Christian organization is seconding the CEO's demand that Christian shareholders
sell their stock in the ubiquitous coffee chain.

"Christians and pro-family groups across the United States have contributed significantly
to the economic success of Starbucks," said American Family Association President
Tim Wildmon. "However, we can certainly honor Mr. Shultz's request to take our business

At Starbucks' annual meeting last week, shareholder Thomas Strobhar, who runs an
organization that opposes gay marriage, criticized the company for supporting same-sex
marriage, claiming that taking a public stance on the issue was hurting its bottom
line. This came after Starbucks last year backed a bill to legalize the practice
in Washington state, which led to the National Organization for Marriage boycotting
the coffee chain.

Mr. Schultz then invited those who disagree with the store's support for gay marriage
to sell their shares and leave the company.

"If you feel, respectfully, that you can get a higher return than the 38 percent
you got last year, it's a free country," Mr. Schultz said at the shareholder meeting.
"You can sell your shares of Starbucks and buy shares in another company. Thank 
you very much."

[TBC: The remarks of Starbucks chief Howard Schultz are an appeal to the greed of
humanity. He ducks the moral issue and dangles the "38 percent" return investors
in Starbucks received. Whenever one stands for a moral issue, there will be a cost
to us. "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are
not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth
you" (John 15:19).]

Thursday, April 25, 2013

What does the school do with the children? Gatto states the following assertions in "Dumbing Us Down":

  • It makes the children confused. It presents an incoherent ensemble of information that the child needs to memorize to stay in school. Apart from the tests and trials that programming is similar to the television, it fills almost all the "free" time of children. One sees and hears something, only to forget it again.
  • It teaches them to accept their class affiliation.
  • It makes them indifferent.
  • It makes them emotionally dependent.
  • It makes them intellectually dependent.
  • It teaches them a kind of self-confidence that requires constant confirmation by experts (provisional self-esteem).
  • It makes it clear to them that they cannot hide, because they are always supervised
Boston Bombing Changes Lawmakers' Views on Drone Killings of Americans on U.S. Soil
In the aftermath of the Boston bombing standoff that ended last Friday, lawmakers have changed their tune on whether a drone should ever be used to target an American citizen on U.S. soil. The use of drones to kill American citizens is not "inherently illegal," as long as that citizen is a "combatant," a constitutional expert told a Senate panel considering the implications of targeted killings Tuesday. 
H7N9 declared ‘one of the most lethal’ flu viruses ever: spreads beyond China mainland -1st case reported in Taiwan
The team of experts, who began their investigation in China last week, said one problem in tracking H7N9 is the absence of visible illness in poultry. Fukuda stressed that the team is still at the beginning of its investigation, and said that "we may just be seeing the most serious infections" at this point. Based on the evidence, "this virus is more easily transmissible from poultry to humans than H5N1", he said. Besides the initial cases of H7N9 in and around Shanghai, others have been detected in Beijing and five provinces. On Wednesday, Taiwan's Health Department said a businessman had contracted H7N9 while travelling in China and was in a serious condition in hospital.
U.S. gives big, secret push to Internet surveillance
Justice Department agreed to issue "2511 letters" immunizing AT&T and other companies participating in a cybersecurity program from criminal prosecution under the Wiretap Act, according to new documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.  
School forces all girls to lesbian kiss
According to Starnes’ Report, the children attended a special April 11 health class taught by college students at Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, N.Y. Parents say they were not notified of the presentation. The students were introduced to terms such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer.” Some of the young female students said they were told it was common for 14-year-old girls to have sex and their parents couldn’t stop them. 
FBI video: Domestic terrorist says he targeted conservative group for being ‘anti-gay’
The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard reported that Corkins, who pleaded guilty to terrorism charges, said in court that he hoped to “kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in victims’ faces, and kill the guard.” As Bedard explained, “the shooting occurred after an executive with Chick-Fil-A announced his support for traditional marriage, angering same-sex marriage proponents.” 

The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard reported that Corkins, who pleaded guilty to terrorism charges, said in court that he hoped to “kill as many as
“Americans do have a certain live-and-let-live attitude, and guns are a good illustration,” says Robert Spitzer, author of “The Politics of Gun Control.” “That’s why you’ve never gotten a majority of Americans who favor an outright ban on handguns. That’s not because most Americans own guns, or even handguns, but there is a certain attitude that, ‘Look, I’m not a gun owner, I don’t like guns around, but if someone else wants to own a gun, I’m not going to insist that ought to be somehow restricted.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Counterfeit Rapture

While born again followers of the Lord Jesus Christ will not be here to see what follows, we can safely conclude that some time shortly after the rapture, the demons will most likely appear to the world as the saviors of the world and will provide an answer for the disappearance of over 700 million people worldwide. Many believe that the aliens/demons will say that they were the ones that seeded the planet (were the creators of man) and have returned to help in our hour of greatest need. The reason that most of the world will not immediately turn to the God of heaven and earth following the rapture is because the enemy has been conditioning people for just such an event. The rapture is certain in that God has clearly said it would come to pass; therefore, Satan (as the father of lies, cf. John 8:44), must have some type of event in place to deceive the world when the event actually occurs. Sometimes the message is that the people evacuated will be resettled to another planet. Sometimes the “aliens” tell us not worry about where the ones taken will go. And sometimes we see it is the bad aliens that have come to catch people up into their space ships and those brave enough to resist will survive as portrayed in the 2010 movie Skyline whose motto is “do not look up” because those that look at the light will be taken. Jesus told us to “look up” (Luke 21:28) when we see all these things beginning to come to pass.

full article:
Merkel To Europe: "Prepare To Cede Sovereignty"
...German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that euro zone members must be prepared to cede control over certain policy domains to European institutions if the bloc is truly to overcome its debt crisis and win back foreign investors. ...Merkel also defended her approach to the crisis against critics who argue she has put too much emphasis on austerity, saying Europe must find a way to deliver both growth and solid finances. 
Bone appetit! Muslims go wild in 'demonic' ritual
The video shows a wedding celebration in which a group of men in a frenzy tear apart a live chicken by hand, then scrabble over its pieces to eat its raw flesh. “The video is a glimpse into the dark and incomprehensible spirit that has possessed the souls of Egypt,” claims Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative who has since renounced his terrorist ways. “Lawlessness has abounded, excesses have gone unrestricted and the full force of Islam has greatly dimmed the land with its dark clouds, thundering about and striking without discrimination.”
Boston Bombing Changes Lawmakers' Views on Drone Killings of Americans on U.S. Soil
In the aftermath of the Boston bombing standoff that ended last Friday, lawmakers have changed their tune on whether a drone should ever be used to target an American citizen on U.S. soil. The use of drones to kill American citizens is not "inherently illegal," as long as that citizen is a "combatant," a constitutional expert told a Senate panel considering the implications of targeted killings Tuesday.  

(all too easy to change the definition of combatant...)
Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing
In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday the country’s interpretation of the Constitution will “have to change” to allow for greater security to stave off future attacks. “The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown.  

NYC Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing’
In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday the country’s interpretation of the Constitution will “have to change” to allow for greater security to stave off future attacks.