
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Katherine Kuhlman

On October 11, 1972, Pope Paul VI gave her a private audience at the Vatican. Mr. Warner stated,

“Complimenting her on her ‘admirable work,’ he admonished her to ‘do it well!’ and gave her a gold, handmade engraved medallion bearing a dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit.” (The Woman Behind The Miracles, p. 172.)

Wayne E. Warner, in his book "The Woman Behind The Miracles," goes so far to claim that Catholics would prefer to save money and attend a Kuhlman crusade than travel to a Marian shrine.

Kathryn Kuhlman was apparently the first minister within the Evangelical/Pentecostal world that laid a foundation for the new unity movement of religions. It was said by her official biographer, Buckingham, that Miss Kuhlman did not like to conduct her services without Catholic priests on her platform. He stated,
“She had a special love for doctors, and wanted them either on the stage or on the front rows of the auditorium. The same was true of priests and nuns — especially if they were ‘in uniform’. Nothing thrilled Kathryn more than to have thirty or forty Catholic clergymen, especially if they wore clerical collars or, better yet, cassocks, sitting behind her while she ministered. Somehow it seemed to lend authenticity to what she was doing — and helped create the proper climate of a trust and understanding which was so necessary for a miracle service.” (Daughter Of Destiny, p. 221.)

She had a special affinity for the Catholic style of high church grandeur. When Kathryn went to Las Vegas for her crusade, the following was reported,

“Kathryn had but one pass through Las Vegas, and she would deliver the gospel with power! Hundreds of people in Las Vegas as well as the faithful in Youngstown, Pittsburgh, and Franklin had agreed to pray that the Holy Spirit would stir the city. Not far away a Roman Catholic priest said a Mass for the meeting the day before.” (The Woman Behind The Miracles, pp. 229-230.)
Please remember that a Catholic Mass is believed to be a time when the very bread and wine becomes the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. Millions of Protestants died as martyrs because they rejected this blasphemous assertion. Did her affinity for Catholic dogmas help start the declension within the Pentecostal circles that has now become a watershed of deception and compromise? I certainly believe so! “Kathryn Kuhlman was an ecumenist without portfolio.” (Daughter Of Destiny, p. 15.) Jamie Buckingham further stated,
“In 1948 while ecumenists designed programs for denominational unity, Kathryn Kuhlman threw open the heavy old doors of north Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Music Hall. Streaming through the doors and scurrying for chairs came Protestants, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish, and other groups, most related to churches but others not. And they were back the next week and the next.” (Daughter Of Destiny, p. 15.)

This certainly would have been acceptable if they were led out of these cold-dead churches to embrace a life of separation and New Testament lifestyle. That’s certainly what Jesus did. On October 11, 1972, Pope Paul gave her a private audience at the Vatican. Mr. Warner stated, “Complimenting her on her ‘admirable work,’ he admonished her to ‘do it well!’ and gave her a gold, handmade engraved medallion bearing a dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit.” (Daughter Of Destiny, p. 172.)

While pastoring a very successful church in Denver (from a storefront building to a congregation of 2,000), Kathryn Kuhlman invited an evangelist, Burroughs A. Waltrip, to hold a revival. He came back for a second revival and later announced his wife had deserted him. It was learned that he had written his wife and two sons to say that he would not be coming home (Daughter Of Destiny, p. 78.). He and Kathryn had apparently become involved in an affair. She and Waltrip were married in 1938, but reports concluded that they were involved as early as 1935.

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Funny Video of Trump Listening To Obama-Clinton on Immigration

This Funny Video of Trump Listening To Obama-Clinton on Immigration Is Just What the World’s Been Waiting For
While much of the nation is “shocked, shocked I tell you,” by President Trump’s travel ban order, as well as his determination to enforce the country’s borders, a video has come along that puts the faux hysteria into perfect context: Trump listening to former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama on illegal immigration.

Trump to support two-state solution?

US sources indicate Trump to support two-state solution
The Trump administration clarified in recent days to the Prime Minister’s bureau that it intended to support the ‘two-state solution’ as the base for negotiations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The clarifications were part of the preparations currently underway for the first meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump since the latter assumed the American presidency. That meeting is to take place next week in the US capital.

Putin orders Russia’s air forces to prepare ‘for a time of war’

Putin orders Russia’s air forces to prepare ‘for a time of war’ with ‘special attention paid to air defence systems and readiness to repel aggression’Vladimir Putin has ordered his air force to prepare for ‘a time of war’, Russia’s defence minister has revealed. The Russian president has launched a spot check on the country’s aerospace forces, in order to ‘evaluate readiness’ for combat. Air defence systems are set to be deployed, minister Sergey Shoigu revealed.
Could Iran’s Seven-Minute Nuclear Threat Be Gog and Magog?The War of Gog and Magog is described in prophecy as being an unusually short war. A tradition from the Vilna Gaon (a prominent 18th century Torah authority) teaches that the war of Gog and Magog will last 12 minutes. According to a 20th century interpretation, “A third of the world will die, a third will suffer from plague and a third will survive.”

Army Preps For Urban Warfare In MegaCities

Army Preps For Urban Warfare In MegaCities: “Mass Migration, Disaster, And Inner-City Turmoil”
There will be war in the streets of America. Things have been engineered that way. The scenarios are many, the issues are complex. The current anger from the left, who are violently protesting against President Trump, is just one aspect of it. But the Pentagon and the U.S. national security structure is increasingly looking towards the shifting demographics around the globe – people have moved from rural areas, and shifted into cities. Where ever conflict stirs, there will be a need for military and SWAT response to the call. Entire cities will be locked down; door to door sweeps will often have violent ends.

Why ‘fake news’ is now ensnaring liberals

Why ‘fake news’ is now ensnaring liberalsBefore the presidential election, when Hillary Clinton looked to be cruising to a victory, a cottage industry of fake and misleading news reports found an eager audience on many conservative Americans’ social media feeds. Now, nearly three months after President Trump’s stunning victory, same kind of alarmist, click-bait headlines, along with their false news reports, are becoming increasingly prevalent on liberal Americans’ feeds.

Before you get too excited about Neil Gorsuch

Like many folks I'm overjoyed that Obama and Hillary are not in the Whitehouse.  Also, so far Trump has kept or pursued most of his campaign promises.  I agree with and support most of what he has done so far and is planning to do.

However, we should never be so distracted by all the hype and excitement that we are willfully ignorant to the reality of the agendas that are moving forward behind the scenes.

We should not get so caught up in blindly supporting what we want to believe that we fail to see reality.

While the nomination of Neil Gorsuch may look like a win for constitutional conservatism on the surface, it doesn't take much scratching below the surface to find some concerning indicators.

He attends St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder which is anti-gun, anti-trump, and pro-homosexual, "inclusive", promotes environmentalism, and is led by a female rector.  Their website promotes every social justice and liberal cause in between Ignatian contemplative/centering prayer, spiritual formation, and labrynths.

St John's Episcopal Church - Boulder

A rector who marched against Trump, gay blessings, gun control, Muslim outreach and 'climate crisis' solar panels on the roof: Meet Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch's ultra-liberal church

St. John's Episcopal Church is led by a pastor who proudly attended the anti-Trump Women's March in Denver the day after the President's inauguration

Rev. Susan Springer has said she is pro-gay marriage and offers blessings to same-sex couples

Another member of the clergy is outspoken about the need for gun control

The church's Rev. Ted Howard also signed a letter slamming the 'disrespectful rhetoric' directed at Islam as Trump floated a ban on Muslim immigrants

Church authorities also appear to be strongly in favor of environmental initiatives and added solar panels to the roof because of 'climate crisis'

With Gorsuch, there may be some wins in the areas of pro-life and not forcing companies to pay for abortion - which would be great.  However, the real threat is the criminalization of Biblical Christianity which is the sodomite agenda.

Trump has already committed to renew Obama's pro-LGBT executive orders and Pence has defended the decision.

Pence Defends Trump's Decision to Renew Obama's LGBT Executive Order

Also, it turns out Betsy DeVos is not as conservative as portrayed in that she supports much of the homosexual agenda and has opposed Tea Party Republicans.

DeVos is not as conservative on social issues as you think

The courts are already sympathetic to the LGBT agenda at the expense of religious freedom - there is no indication that Trump, Pence, or Gorsuch will slow down that agenda.

Read more:

In spite of being billed as the "first protestant" nominated to the Supreme Court in years, he was raised a catholic and attended Jesuit education at Georgetown Preparatory School.

Also, the modern Episcopalian is not much different than catholicism even to the point that the episcopal archbishop has made a commitment for full unity between the episcopal church and rome.

We already know that Trump was educated in Catholic/Jesuit Fordham University

Also, the vice president was raised Catholic, Pence served as an altar boy, went to a parochial school, and still considers himself to be a "Charismatic Catholic" and "Evangelical Catholic".