
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Deception, Seduction, and Departure

Deception, ever so subtle in word and deed, is being preached and taught by those who are leading their flocks to a certain, predetermined end. Look closely, for you will see not just the imprimatur, but the fingerprints of the devil himself on a doctrine that is totally alien to true Christendom. It’s a doctrine which is being embraced in wholesale numbers by many who are seeking salvation without spiritual discernment.
It is much easier for many to believe in false doctrines over true salvation when pastors, priests, and ministers embrace and preach the ideals that demand conformance to a socialist utopia that is slickly marketed by global despots to the “franchise-ministers of the mega-ministries.”  The doctrines that will lead many astray, and those behind the pulpits pushing these doctrines, purposely omit any reference to the power of the resurrection and overcoming matters of the world, as such doctrine is socially, personally and politically inconvenient.
Much like the multi-level geopolitical chess game being played on the world stage, so too is the multi-level infiltration of false teachers leading Christians astray through their false doctrines. We need to get back to the fundamental truths—the faith once delivered to us by the apostles and prophets and unsullied by Satan. The stakes could not be greater, for it our eternal salvation at risk.

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