
Monday, August 11, 2014

Barack Obama: Israel's most dangerous enemy

Dem Rep: I Voted Against Funding Israel’s Anti-Missile Program Because We Need A Cease Fire
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Of course) appeared on Meet The Press yesterday to make it clear that he is as clueless about foreign policy and the nature of Hamas as just about every other Democrat.  

'Lethargic' Obama seems to have no interest in discussing Hamas, Russia
"There's no compassion, no interest, there's nothing behind it," he said. "You have to wonder why did he hold the press conference? I'm not sure that he advanced any issue at all other than to show adversaries, bad guys in the world, you don't have to worry about this guy."  

Barack Obama: Israel's most dangerous enemy
In the final analysis, he may be seizing on Israel-bashing as a way to distract from his failures and resurrect his reputation as a “good man.” No more callous behavior toward dead or dying veterans, no more endless lies about Obamacare, no more blindness as ISIS runs roughshod over Syria and Iraq, or Libya (his supposed triumph) turns into a giant Islamist nightmare, not to mention armies of illegal immigrants streaming over our borders in numbers no one could conceivably count and with missions no one could possibly guess. No, it’s all Israel’s fault. See how the Jews over-reacted, killing all those innocent Arab children.

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