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Monday, April 09, 2012

Obama's Civilian Army

Remember when Obama said this?

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”



Is his civilian army made up of the #occupy movement and organized labor? Being that he and fellow communists on capital hill refuse to condemn the violence and mayhem.

White House Refuses to Condemn #Occupy Violence, Deaths and Mass Destruction

The #occupy movement is based on lawlessness and destruction. So far we’ve witnessed:

- 9 deaths, 5 found dead in tents, One found dead after 2 days
- 2 murders
- Tens of millions of dollars in damages, layoffs, vandalism, law breaking
- Multiple Rapes
- Thousands of arrests
- Public masturbation
- Feces
- Child molestation and baby abuse
- strangled parents in a PT Cruiser

Violent Communist Revolutionary Van Jones Tries To Turn America Against Its Police Officers, Denies Command Of Obama’s Civilian Army – With Videos

The useful idiots in this army are not destined to realize their romantic notion of a worker's rebellion against the bourgeoisie elite.

Instead, they are fodder for justifying and provoking sufficient unrest, fear, and violence that the regular Joe-football-fan will gladly give up any and all freedom, privacy, prosperity and property just as long as their perceived status-quo remains undisturbed.

A trend has made itself clear, particularly since the NDAA 2012 was passed which allows among other things, the indefinite detention of American citizens without trial or due process based solely on the suspicion of terrorism.

The NDAA gives the President the power to:

- take unilateral military action against any nation, organization, or person either foreign or domestic

- removes requirement of congressional approval for use of military force

- authorized President to launch attacks against American Citizens inside the United States with no congressional oversight whatsoever

- state of war continues until "all hostilities are terminated"

- No clearly defined enemy, the US can declare or allege anyone a terrorist or allege they are or have been supporting “hostilities” against the US and attack at will

- has already been used to silence journalists accused of "supporting terrorism" because they reported facts that challenged the official US government narrative.

And since the NDAA was signed into law on December 31st 2011, it seems that every week there is a new bill or executive order that is granting the executive branch unprecedented power...

One of the most recent was the executive order “National Defense Resources Preparedness” release on March 16.

On March 16, the White House released an executive order that allows the federal government, in case of a war or national emergency, the authority to take over almost every aspect of American society. Food, livestock, farming equipment, manufacturing, industry, energy, transportation, hospitals, health care facilities, water resources, defense and construction - all of it could fall under the full control of Mr. Obama. The order empowers the president to dispense these vast resources as he sees fit during a "national crisis". This authorizes the President to declare Martial Law at will.

And an interesting quote in this article from February:

Occupy DC Plans Mayhem for Major Conservative Conference

“Speakers will be physically assaulted, not just verbally confronted” and “Mitt [Romney] has Secret Service now, but [Newt] Gingrich and [Andrew] Breitbart don’t,” seemingly suggesting that the latter two would not be as heavily guarded.

Funny how Breitbart turns up dead less than a month afterwards... While at the same time conservative and constitutionally minded commentators such as Judge Napolitano, Glenn Beck, and Pat Buchanan are being cleansed from the establishment media so as not to confuse the government approved propaganda machine message.

(Compiled by shaped-by-truth)

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