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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Will US Cyborgs Be Deployed In War?

Could DNA From Great Reptiles That Fell With Lucifer Enhance Human Ferocity? End Times Soldiers? Professor Believes So
Professor Phil Manning, of the natural history department at Manchester University told The Sunday Times: 'When each bone of the gorgosaurus was viewed in isolation, it was obvious that this animal had a suite of serious injuries. What is more incredible, it was clear that she had survived them, as many of the traumas showed clear signs of healing. If we humans were to sustain a similar suite of injuries and disease, we would not live to see another day.' The study of antibodies in the living relatives of dinosaurs, might help develop drugs that aid our own immune systems.' Prof Manning said such animals could provide answers on...

Could This Tech Also Be Used To Produce Zombie Army? Consciousness On-Off Switch Discovered Deep In Brain
One moment you're conscious, the next you're not. For the first time, researchers have switched off consciousness by electrically stimulating a single brain area. Scientists have been probing individual regions of the brain for over a century, exploring their function by zapping them with electricity and temporarily putting them out of action. Despite this, they have never been able to turn off consciousness – until now. It takes us a step closer to answering a problem that has confounded scientists and philosophers for millennia – namely...

Fox News: Will US Cyborgs Be Deployed In War?
A new cyborg – part machine and part biological muscle – has taken its first steps. University of Illinois researchers, in a report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, say their new creature is the first robot that uses live muscle for power. The researchers, with funding from the National Science Foundation,  have created a muscle-powered biological machine that can be controlled with an electric current. It could lead to a new generation of biological robots, or “biobots.” Researchers around the world have been hoping to use this type of technology for a range of applications, from building military robots to designing replacement...

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