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Monday, April 04, 2016

Preschooler Kicked Out After Parents Question Gender Confusion Indoctrination

A 4-year-old preschooler who was enrolled in a preschool in Aurora, Colorado, was kicked out when her parents expressed concern about the books that were being read in their daughter’s class, according to the Denver Post. The parents were concerned because some books told “stories about same-sex couples and worms that were unsure about their gender.” The preschooler’s mom, R.B. Sinclair, sees the class as sex education and wanted to opt her daughter out of these discussions.

Officials told Sinclair that opting out wasn’t an option. The preschool officials explained their decision by saying that the stories were part of the preschool’s anti-bias curriculum, and that discussions pertaining to gender were embedded throughout the day.

Colorado isn’t the only state to introduce this type of curriculum; anti-bias curriculum is apparently growing in public and private schools. Proponents say that educators are allowing students to be exposed to different types of families and gender roles, in order for them to see differences before they have a chance to form "negative" opinions.

School's statement:
"Today's children live in a changing world. For children to become truly responsible and caring
members of a global community in which diverse people cooperate and resolve conflicts without
violence and war, the foundation needs to be laid early.  (Anti-Bias Education, Louise Derman-
Sparks.) While these topics are sometimes uncomfortable to talk about, we believe at Montview
that it is part of our mission and responsibility to teach tolerance and to celebrate our

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