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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Syria polio outbreak confirmed by WHO
The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed 10 cases of polio in Syria - the first outbreak in the country in 14 years. The UN body says a further 12 cases are still being investigated. Most of the 22 people who have been tested are babies and toddlers. Before Syria's civil war began in 2011, some 95% of children were vaccinated against the disease. 

‘We’ve reached the end of antibiotics’: Top CDC expert declares that ‘miracle drugs’ that have saved millions are no match against ‘superbugs’ because
A high-ranking official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared in an interview with PBS that the age of antibiotics has come to an end. 'For a long time, there have been newspaper stories and covers of magazines that talked about "The end of antibiotics, question mark?"' said Dr Arjun Srinivasan. 'Well, now I would say you can change the title to "The end of antibiotics, period.”' 

Chief Medical Officer ‘ashamed’ as rickets makes a comeback
40 per cent of English children have some kind of vitamin D deficiency... 

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