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Sunday, February 06, 2005

'Full range of scientific views' includes theory of a creator

Posted on Sun, Feb. 06, 2005
The Kansas City Star

Legally speaking, intelligent design should be taught in Kansas schools to comply with the No Child Left Behind Act.
The report interpreting this legislation explains that on controversial issues like evolution, 'the curriculum should help students to understand the full range of scientific views that exist.'

Natural selection asserts that individual components evolve gradually over time. In The Origin of Species, Darwin stated, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” Scrutiny of the complexities of a molecular structure at a micro-biochemical level proves there are irreducible complexities that deny the validity of Darwin's theory.

In March 2002, 52 scientists called on the state of Ohio to allow its schools to teach arguments for and against evolutionary theory, including intelligent design.

Renowned professor Antony Flew, for decades a leading intellectual proponent of religious skepticism and atheism, has now concluded that evidence leads to intelligent design. He cited two flaws in evolution: no reasonable explanation of “the first emergence of living from nonliving matter” and the impossibility of reproduction by a living organism emerged from nothing.

Uncommon Dissent, by William Dembski, is a collection of essays by leading intellectuals who are not persuaded by Darwinism. These are only some scientists who recognize that evolutionism does not bear up under empirical evidence.

Intelligent design teaches the theory of a creator based on scientific observation and analysis, not the worship of one. By contrast, evolution has been propagated by those who believe in it despite mounting evidence against it. Francis Crick, who teamed with James Watson to identify the double helix of DNA, exhorted biologists “to constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but evolved.” Richard Dawkins, a leading evolutionary biologist at Oxford, has labeled critics of Darwinism “ignorant, stupid or insane.” Not only does this obfuscate the scientific process, it actually redefines evolution as religion.

Kansas City Star | 02/06/2005 | �Full range of scientific views' includes theory of a creator

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