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Monday, February 14, 2005



February 14, 2005 -- A baby miraculously survived at least three abortion attempts by his mother and was born alive at 24 weeks, it was revealed yesterday.

The infant was delivered in a British hospital after his 24-year-old mom changed her mind about terminating her pregnancy when she felt him move on the way home from an abortion clinic. While clinic doctors said an ultrasound scan had confirmed the child was dead, she went into labor later that afternoon and the boy was born alive.

He is now 2 years old and healthy.

The amazing tale of survival is documented in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The journal reports that the mom had not realized she was going to have a baby until 22 weeks into the pregnancy, and felt that she couldn't cope with a second child.

A doctor at a private clinic in Warwickshire gave her a series of abortion drugs in three attempts to get rid of the fetus.

But none of them worked, despite the fact she was assured the fetus was dead.

New York Post Online Edition: news

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