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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Dhimmi Watch: CAIR loves the new Crusade flick

April 27, 2005

CAIR loves the new Crusade flick

Which makes it virtually certain that it is an extended exercise in dhimmitude and historical revisionism. Here is CAIR's press release, 'Muslims Call New Fox Crusader Film 'Balanced'; CAIR Says 'Kingdom of Heaven' Avoids Negative Stereotypes,' from U.S. NewsWire, with thanks to all who sent this in:

WASHINGTON -- A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group said today that the new 20th Century Fox epic 'Kingdom of Heaven' is a 'balanced' portrayal of the Crusades, despite earlier concerns that the film might offer stereotypical portrayals of Islam or Muslims.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) based its judgment on a private screening of the Sir Ridley Scott film at Fox studios in Los Angeles. 'Kingdom' is scheduled to open in theaters nationwide May 6.

The very fact that CAIR was given a private screening speaks volumes. The filmmakers are probably cringing dhimmis, desperately afraid of litigation -- which of course is CAIR's weapon of choice.

Dhimmi Watch: CAIR loves the new Crusade flick

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