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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Public Schools and the Gay Agenda

Battleground: Public Schools and the Gay Agenda
By Paul Strand

April 22, 2005

On issues ranging from sex education to AIDS prevention, homosexual and other groups are pursuing an agenda they like to call 'tolerance.'

Here in the U.S., public schools have become battlegrounds over that agenda. Lawsuits between parents and school boards are on the rise. In some cases students are forced to learn about homosexuality in school.

Some parents in Maryland are worried that their children's school system may adopt a new curriculum: one which stresses to students that homosexuality is normal, healthy, and that people are born that way. The course is called "Family Life and Human Sexuality."

Students are introduced to homosexual terms and encouraged to develop their so-called ‘individual sexual identity.’

The course has sparked outrage from many parents.

Carolyn Black is a Maryland mother. She said, “I do not believe in homosexuality and I believe the subject of homosexuality should be taught at home. It has no place and no business in the public school system, being taught and forced on our children. In the public school system, it just has no place!”

Because of issues like this, Barry Sullivan has chosen to bypass the public schools and home school his children. Sullivan said, “Are we really going to teach our kids that this is normal behavior? If some kid stands up and says, ‘I got a brother and he is attracted to young boys’. Is the teacher really going to say, ‘I don’t want to be judgmental, so, well he‘s just born that way’?”

Across the country, from California to small town mid-America, teaching homosexuality has become the norm in many schools—sometimes, without parental consent.

One case is playing out in a Santa Cruz, California public school. A group of lesbian teachers has put up posters in classrooms that promote the gay lifestyle and refer students who question their sexuality to homosexual and bisexual groups.

Parents are suing to change the posters to represent all differences among students. In this case, the homosexuals believe they should have exclusive rights.

In Kentucky, students are being forced into ‘diversity training’, where they're told homosexuals cannot change their behavior.

Opting out of these courses is a choice some parents make for their kids. This Maryland mother tells us how her child was ridiculed. Bunny Galladora is President of the WCTU of Maryland. She related how, “He was called up to the front of the class and the teacher said, ‘Your mother will not allow you to take this class’ and sent him to the library, and he was made fun of by the kids.”

Some Christian parents say the schools have no right to usurp the parental role in teaching about sex. Bob Grey is a concerned parent, he said, “It used to be I was good enough, dad was good enough, mom was good enough. Now they say it takes degree after degree, people sitting around a big table telling us what our kids should hear.”

One of the most influential groups promoting the homosexual agenda is GLSEN, the gay, lesbian, straight education network. It has promoted projects such as "no name calling week," and has designated so-called "safe places" in schools, where students can go in private to talk about same-sex feelings.

Linda Wall is a former lesbian. She says the methods used by the gay lobby to get into schools is often very subtle.

Linda Wall, because of her personal experiences while in homosexuality, is now a Conservative Activist. She told us, “They’ve chosen very clever terminology to use, for example ‘safe schools’. They get in to administrators and say, ‘Oh, we just want to make your school safe.’ So they paint this picture, when there really is nothing safe about homosexuality at all.”

CBN News obtained home video of a ‘school safe place’ from a concerned parent. These so-called safe places are signified by pink or rainbow colored triangles—well known symbols in the gay community.

In these private rooms, in the school’s building, teachers and guidance counselors can talk with students about their sexual feelings—but parents are not informed.

An organization called GLSEN, aids with this. Glsen's website also has a step by step guide for students and educators to create what it calls an “allies program" for students ‘struggling with their sexual identity.’

CBN News asked Glsen for an interview, but the group refused unless it could see our script first.

Recently, homosexual rights groups carried out an April 13th Day of Silence in the schools. But Christian students gathered the next day, April 14th, for what they termed a Day of Truth. They'll wear special t-shirts that said, in part...

“I believe in loving my neighbor, but part of that love means not condoning detrimental personal and social behavior. I believe by boldly proclaiming the truth, hurts will be halted, hearts will be healed, and lives will be saved.”

Despite the legal and political roadblocks, a number of parents and other activists are determined to fight the spread of the homosexual agenda.

Bob Knight of Concerned Women For America says parents need to get active.

Knight advised, “Fight city hall. Go to your school and find out what they’re teaching. Make it clear you’re watching. When parents are watching they can get away with a lot less.

Battleground: Public Schools and the Gay Agenda

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