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Saturday, June 11, 2005

Many Promote Homosexual Parenting With Poor Reasons, Faulty Premise

By Mary Rettig
June 9, 2005

(AgapePress) - It's a biological given that homosexuals cannot reproduce; however, many are getting children by hiring surrogates. One professor at Marquette University says these manufactured families are just an effort to "normalize" homosexuality.

Dr. Christopher Wolfe is a professor of political science and an expert on homosexuality and American public life. He says some homosexual couples really do want to adopt or have children because they desire a family; but those who do, he contends, are in the minority.

Wolfe says indications of this leads many analysts to suspect what he believes to be true, "that the big push for same-sex parenting has much less to do with the desire of homosexuals, generally, for children than it does with a desire that they have to not be different -- to not be singled out and treated differently."

For most homosexuals, Wolfe contends, the desire to become parents is really about legitimizing their type of relationship and denying the abnormality of it, including the inability to produce children. "They want to have the same rights that everybody else in society has," he says.

The Marquette University professor says homosexual activists try to stack their arguments in favor of homosexual parenting by citing studies that claim there is no noticeable difference between the children of homosexual couples and heterosexual couples. However, he notes, much of the evidence they cite comes from people who were looking for a particular outcome.

On the other hand, Wolfe points out, "If you look at a number of different first-rate social science articles that have approached this subject -- one is by anti-gay-parenting authors Robert Lerner and Althea K. Nagai -- they analyze all these studies about same-sex parenting and show that all of those studies are really defective." In fact, the professor adds, two pro-homosexual-parenting researchers actually point out in their study that children of homosexual parents do turn out differently from children parented by a mother and a father.

Rejecting the assumption that no differences exist, Wolfe says the two researchers investigated and went on to conclude that children of homosexual parents are more likely to be depressed and more likely to display homosexual tendencies as they mature.

Many Promote Homosexual Parenting With Poor Reasons, Faulty Premise

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