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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Is killing time killing you?

Is killing time killing you?Sun, 02 Apr 2006 03:14:51 -0400

Clipped from promisekeepers2 newsgroup on Yahoo Groups

Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 07:47:17 EST


Subject: Is killing time killing you?

You know time is a gift from Almighty God don't you?

He gives us all the time we need to find Him and His son Jesus Christ so we can live forever.

Are you one of the millions who sit in front of your television for hours and hours?

You know you have something you want to really watch, so you keep the TV on and watch whatever to kill time until your show comes on. I bet a lot of you are spending more time watching TV than you can imagine?

As a normal day starts and your watching let's say, one of those early morning shows; you know the ones that have a little of everything and a whole lot of commercials. Then your off to work or school, and on your ride to and from these places you listen to the radio, which is more time killed.

After you get home your mate in life, already has that one eyed monster blaring away with soap operas or one of those talk shows, or maybe one of those 24 hour news channels?

You say your hello honeys and maybe if you're lucky you get a quick kiss before you settle in for a night of what else, watching TV RIGHT?

So now it's six or 6:30 P.M. time to eat, maybe some fast food or left overs? If your really lucky maybe, just maybe a nice home cooked dinner, something hot and fresh will be waiting for you? . Hopefully not a frozen TV dinner, (not that there is anything wrong with this, as long as it is not an every night thing)but, too many families are eating fast foods and frozen foods way to many times. (This is a subject for another article).

Back to you killing time, you hurry and down whatever your meal was.

Worse yet you take it to the TV room and watch news or some drama that gets your stomach upset. This is BAD for your digestion.

Do you have a lot of heartburn, getting a little tub around your middle, maybe some of that is caused by emotions? It is a fact watching the news while you eat is up setting to your mind if you know it or not.

One of the points I'm getting to is that this kind of living is slowly killing you. Therefore, wasting time in this manner will kill you sooner or later.

I want you to take a moment here and think of how much time your TV is on during each day? How many hours of the day, if your watching it or not, does your TV stay on ___THINK!

Some surveys say that the average American family watch TV up to six hours every day. The reality is that the average home has a television turned on 6-12 hours every day. That's right up to 12 hours a day! This is hard to believe Huh?

Now back to the first part of this article. Do you watch TV between your favorite shows that are coming on at 9:00 or 10:00 P.M.?

We men, drive our better halves, to the breaking point with our channel surfing. We hear this all the time right? While in the middle of changing fifty channels or so, she says "Why don't you put it on one channel and quit hopping all over the place, give me that remote and stop on something before I hit you with that blank-ca-ty blank------ remote control."

You find something to watch or something she will watch, anything to kill time till your shows come on. While waiting you start, click, click, click, then you hear it again "Honey would you please quit jumping all over the place and leave it on one channel, I'll watch anything if you will quit that click, click, clicking the remote."

OK, Now it is 8:00 P.M. just another hour and your show will be on, then at 10:00 P.M. there is the other one you watch. So now you have to kill another hour to see what you have wasted half the night for. click, click, click Oh yeah! I am not suppose DO THAT, DAH!

You look over at your wife and see her eyebrows raise and you know, what she's about to scream! So you leave it on some other stupid show, that neither one of you cares about. Now you have killed another half an hour, then finally your show is about to start.

You head for the kitchen for a little snack and a beer or soda, anything to fill you growling stomach. When you come back, your long awaited show has started. Now you can flop onto your chair or the sofa to relax and watch your favorite show.

It is now 9:00 P.M. then another show at 10:00 P.M. and the news at 11:00 P.M., maybe you'll even watch the late show or a little more news before you head off to bed.

It is now 1:00 A.M. in the morning or maybe it is 2:00 A.M., when your head hits the pillow and you try to sleep.

"You're not going to get very much rest for work tomorrow morning, your saying to yourself." "You have made it thought another day" you say to yourself as you drift off to sleep.

Somewhere off in the distance you hear the alarm go off and your mind say "already, but I just went to sleep?" Does this sound very familiar?

Some people who don't work are worse off than this.

They are the ones who turn on the TV early in the morning to help get them thought their day. THEY USE IT to keep themselves company, or to kill time, how's this sound? They are home all day for some reason, like out of work, or maybe a house wife, you know the one who yells about the click, click, click.

All day the one-eyed monster is on! The TV was left on from the morning show or news, then the soaps start or worse, those game shows, all day killing time.

If your not living like this, I am sure you are doing something else to kill time? Maybe like bowling two or three times a week, or playing tennis three or four times, to stay in shape again nothing wrong with this, but where is time for God? Do you even think of God during your busy day, or do you only think and give God time on Sunday?

Fast food, eating on the run, eating while watching TV, is all bad for you and it will slowly kill you. RUSH, RUSH, RUSH killing time. , We humans are good at this, aren't we?

Eating badly, staying up late, and losing sleep, it is taking time off your life, yes, you are killing yourself with all this kind of time. STOP!

When was the last time you spent time on your knees praying? God is a loving God filled with grace. He reaches out to you and me and gives us all the time we need,to get to know Him.

We all need to spend more time in earnest prayer to know Him.

How much time do you take out of your busy day to talk to your Heavenly Father? I bet you spend time talking to your earthly father or other's close to you, don't you?

Time, we all take it for granted, we kill lots of it because we never stop to think, someday we are all going to run out of time.

Killing time can kill you. By this I mean, by not praying to God, you cannot have a close relationship with God. You know prayer is just talking to your Heavenly Father who cares for you so much He gave His only begotten Son. ( John 3:16) You can spend forever with Him in the kingdom by the time you spend with him now. Amen.

Can't you find some time to go to your God and thank him for the time you have right now? The time you spend with God isn't a wasted time. It is building an everlasting life in God's Kingdom FOREVER AND EVER!

Like the Bible says "what good does' it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses he's soul?" ( Matt.16:26 )

My fellow Christians it is time We all wake up! We are all running out of time, and some of us will be sooner than others, but still we are running out of time.

It is time to quit wasting a gift from God. He gives each of us this time so we can discover His wonderful gift of Jesus Christ!

If you haven't received Jesus into your life, NOW would be the time, to ask Him into your life so, you can have all the time in the world and beyond.

Just take the time right now and ask Jesus into your life. Take some time here right now to ask Him to forgive your wrong ways, and to come into your life! ASK HIM to lead you to the Father of all time.

Tell God you are sorry for wasting so much time of not getting to know Him. Tell God, YOU have killed so much time you have lost track of it.

Repent of your sorry life and all the time you have wasted away. Maybe this is the first time you have thought of it, maybe your time so far isn't that bad, but you my friends are still running out of time so, don't waste another second.

Don't kill any more of God's gift of time! It is TIME to repent, Time to be Baptized, Time to go to church, Time to pray, Time to be healed from all sickness's and to find happiness, and Time to find everlasting life in God's word, the Bible.

There is coming a time when you will have no more time to kill. Are you ready for that day? Is your life spent in good time with God or Television?

It might be today or in the next hour, we don't know but, it is appointed for all man to die once. ( Heb. 9:27 )

I beg you, NO! I implore you, don't kill any more time, it could kill you. Use the time you have left in your life to praise your Heavenly Father and give Him thanks for any time you have left on this earth. Read in the book of Revalations Chapter 21

Here is the time when God Himself will judge everyone on how they spent their time on this plane of existence! Where will you be doing this time? THIS is the most important time of your life? TIME IS RUNNING OUT, BE READY!!!

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