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Thursday, December 23, 2010

91% reject open homosexual service

The REAL Pentagon Poll: 91% reject open homosexual service

Former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt just read the full Pentagon report on repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and here's his analysis:

"Don't believe the phony liberal media reports that 70% of troops support open homosexual service, because that statistic included 'mixed' feelings. A closer reading of the fine print in the newly released Pentagon survey shows our troops answered as follows:

Q45. If you had a leader whom you believed was gay or lesbian, 9% positive, 91% negative or mixed effect on unit's performance.

Q68c. 85% of Marine Combat Arms, 75% of Army Combat Arms, 64% overall say Negative, Very Negative, or Mixed impact on unit trust.

Q90. 29% would take no action if assigned open showers. 71% would shower at other times, complain to leadership or chaplains, don't know or do "something else" [including violence.]

Q81. 24% will leave the military or think about leaving sooner than planned. [One half million troops will QUIT early, destroying national security.]

Q80. 6% will positively recommend service to others after repeal. 94% feel negative, mixed, no effect, or don't know about recommending military service to others. [Destroying recruiting efforts.]

Q66. If open homosexuality impacts combat performance, is the impact....9% positive, 91% negative or mixed impact.

Q71. 11% feel positive or very positive about open homosexuality in field environment or out at sea. 70% negative or mixed. 19% no effect.

Q73. 5% say repeal would positively boost morale. 41% say negative or mixed impact morale. Rest no effect or don't know.

"In summary, the real stats prove our nation faces a NATIONAL SECURITY DISASTER if Don't Ask, Don't Tell is repealed, and open homosexual aggression is forced upon our troops against their will."

Retiring Marine Commandant General James Conway just told Fox News that "90 to 95 percent of the Marines" are against repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, citing impromptu surveys he had conducted by a "show of hands" at town hall meetings.

Sen. John McCain told CNN the troop poll was biased for homosexuals: "it should have asked whether a policy change was the right thing to do, rather than how it should be implemented...I want to know the effect on battle effectiveness and morale, not on how best to implement a change in policy...I don't think that's a lot to ask when we have our young men and women out there serving and fighting, and tragically some of them dying."

The homosexual newspaper Washington Blade is boasting of a claim by Sen. Joseph Liberman (I-CT) who said "I am confident that we have more than 60 votes prepared to take up the defense authorization bill with the repeal of 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' if only there will be a guarantee of a fair and open amendment process." Lieberman revealed some private conversations he's had with Republican Senators Susan Collins (RINO-ME) and Richard Lugar (RINO-IN), and unnamed "other" Republicans [we list them below] whom he quoted as saying they "would be open to moving forward with...repeal provided there’s an 'open amendment process' in bringing the bill to the floor." [In other words, they'll sell out their principles for homosexual pork money.] I count 57, he counts 60, we're in a dogfight.

The new Commandant of the Marine Corps, 4-star General James F. Amos, effectively asked YOU to help his Marines last week, when he advised Senators to support Senator McCain's filibuster of the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and to keep open homosexual aggression out of our military.

"There is nothing more intimate than young men and young women — and when you talk of infantry, we're talking our young men — laying out, sleeping alongside of one another and sharing death, fear and loss of brothers," said General Amos. "I don't know what the effect of that will be on cohesion. I mean, that’s what we’re looking at. It's unit cohesion, it's combat effectiveness." In other words, repealing Don't Ask will cost lives in battle.

Meanwhile the New York Times revealed Senator Harry Reid's (D-NV) new strategy to force the homosexual agenda through this lame-duck Senate: "Mr. Reid could try to bring the defense bill to the floor under an open amendment process, a move that Republicans presumably would not block but that would mean committing a large block of time to debate. In that case, opponents of repeal would not be able to pass an amendment stripping it out of the bill." In other words, don't believe the liberal press reports that Reid can't get this done....they are closer than you think, so we must continue this fight.

More than 60 retired military chaplains have written President Obama, requesting he not repeal the 1993 Don't Ask, Don't Tell law that forbids open homosexuality in the military, because allowing open homosexuality will cause anti-Christian persecution of chaplains.

The letter was signed by retired military chaplains from various denominational backgrounds, including Southern Baptists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians and Lutherans.

After Don't Ask is repealed, "if chaplains answer such questions [during counseling sessions] according to the tenets of their faith, stating that homosexual relationships are sinful and harmful, then they run the risk of career-ending accusations of insubordination and discrimination," the letter said.

"By raising homosexual behavior to the same protected status as innate, innocuous characteristics like race and gender, the armed forces will cast the sincerely held religious beliefs of many chaplains and Service members as rank bigotry comparable to racism," the letter said.

"Put most simply, if the government normalizes homosexual behavior in the armed forces, many (if not most) chaplains will confront a profoundly difficult moral choice: whether they are to obey God or to obey men," the letter said. "This forced choice must be faced, since orthodox Christianity -- which represents a significant percentage of religious belief in the armed forces -- does not affirm homosexual behavior.

Four Top Generals were ignored by Democrats who betrayed our troops. They said:

"This is not the time to perturb the force that is, at the moment, stretched by demands in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere without careful deliberation." Gen. Norton Schwartz, Air Force Chief of Staff

"Serious concerns about the impact of repeal of the law on a force that's fully engaged in two wars and has been at war for eight-and-a-half years." Gen. George Casey, Army Chief of Staff

"I think the current policy works... At this best military advice to this Committee, to the [Defense] Secretary, and to the President would be to keep the law such as it is." Gen. James Conway, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps

"There has never really been an assessment of the force that serves....Equally important are the feelings of the families that support that force." Adm. Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations


Four reasons:

1) Allowing open homosexuality especially hurts unit cohesion and would cost American lives in war, damaging the trust shared in close proximity, common sleeping quarters and showering facilities that are unavoidable in close combat.

2) Men and women do not share the same showers for obvious reasons, so why force men to share showers with openly homosexual men? This fact alone would hurt recruiting.

3) The rampant spread of the HIV-AIDS virus contaminates the blood often shared by necessity on the battlefield. Soldiers requiring blood-transfusions and medics would be immediately endangered.

4) "Gay promotion quotas" would soon be forced upon presently impartial promotion boards, causing a burdensome rise in sexually-charged "equal opportunity" complaints against commanders, especially those who offend gays by inadvertently speaking of their traditional Judeo-Christian faith.

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