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Monday, September 12, 2011

Rick Perry Exposed as a Globalist

Rick Perry Exposed as a Globalist
Tuesday, September 06, 2011 – by Daily Bell Staff Report

Rick Perry Proposed Bi-National Health Insurance with Mexico ... As media attention intensifies about Texas Governor Rick Perry's run for the presidential nomination, an activist in Tyler, Texas, was prompted to say "More checking under the hood needed before we buy the car," according to the Dallas Morning News (DMN). The article focused on Perry's comments at a Border Summit speech in south Texas (8-22-01), days before the 9-11 attacks, about bi-national health insurance – Texas-funded coverage for both U.S. and Mexican border residents. The governor's statement favored a study, required by the Legislature, about "the feasibility of bi-national health insurance." The DMN continued, "Katherine Cesinger, spokeswoman for Perry's campaign, downplayed the topic of bi-national health insurance. 'A bill was passed by the Legislature that authorized a study to look into this issue, which ultimately concluded there were numerous barriers to accomplishing that idea, and the Legislature took no further action on this concept,' she said." However, in spite of the Legislature's failure to act, Perry made clear his willingness to funnel Texas's assets to Mexico. – New American

Dominant Social Theme: Rick Perry, an independent man with independent positions.

Free-Market Analysis: The exposing of the real Rick Perry has started in earnest now. We're surprised it took so long. It is a matter of public record that Perry connived with other US power brokers to try implement the North American trans-continental highway during the presidency of George Bush.

Bush himself was a committed globalist who, toward the end of his term in office, tried to pass an immigration bill aimed at creating what might be considered a "guest worker" program between the US and Mexico. This was only a prelude to an apparent goal of the power elite, which is a merger between Mexico, America and Canada. This is supposed to mimic the European union – it is through such building blocks that a new world order is to be constructed.

Perry is part and parcel of the globalist elite and during his terms in office in Texas he worked to implement the globalist agenda in many ways. Now that he has a higher profile and is being considered as a serious presidential candidate, Perry has been scrambling to hide his obvious elite relationships and activities. But even his newfound affection for the Tea Party and libertarianism generally cannot hide what came before.

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