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Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Evangelical Leaders" Making Useful Idiots out of Christians

Have you noticed a pattern developing?  You have these so-called evangelical leaders out there manipulating us step by step to get in line with the progressive RINOs that run the establishment pro-globalist agenda arm of the Republican party.

Influential evangelical leaders called on Bachmann to quit the race because she was dividing support away from Santorum.

Then many "evangelical leaders" began calling on Rick Santorum to leave the race

Richard Land to Rick Santorum: Time to go

And then they turn around and support Romney...

Evangelicals will vote for Mormon Mitt Romney, says Southern Baptist leader (again Richard Land)

A good example of a modern day "evangelical leader" is Richard Land (the Southern Baptist Convention leader whose office is funded by over $3 million from SBC donors).

- Endorsed (radical neo-marxist mentor of Obama) Jim Wallis’s book The Great Awakening in 2008

- Member in the Council on Foreign Relations

- Involved in the U.S. Muslim Engagement project

- Land was the primary author of the pro-war propaganda known as the "Land letter" in October 2002.  This letter outlined a "just war" argument in support of the subsequent military invasion of Iraq.

The real problem with Romney is not as much his Mormonism.  (Even though questions about Mormon oaths concerning the authority of Mormon prophets is a matter of concern)  In many ways, Romney is not even a very moral Mormon.  His political record indicates he is very much a progressive and has been vetted by the NWO globalists.  (Romney former CFR member and is the son of a CFR member)

17 Reasons Why A Vote For Mitt Romney Is A Vote For The New World Order

In Romney's record as governor and republican candidate he is responsible for the following:

- Supports the Federal Reserve
- Money From The Bankers ($813,000 -vs- Obama's $198,000)
- Supports Wall Street bailouts
- Credited for RomenyCare being blueprint for ObamaCare
- Increased Taxes
- Government Spending
- Global Warming
- Cap and Trade
- Amnesty for illegal aliens
- Gun Control
- Homosexual Marriage in Massachusetts
- Forced Christian hospitals and Massachusetts taxpayers to subsidize abortions in the state of Massachusetts
- Second only to Obama in contributions from Pharmaceutical corporations
- Supports the TSA and Homeland Security
- Does not oppose NDAA

The elite globalist oligarchs have already vetted their pick to distract republicans and conservatives.  Whether Obama or Romney are in office, the same agenda will march on.

Personally, I will write in Mickey Mouse or even Ron Paul before I vote for another candidate hand-picked by the establishment republicans.  It is time to send a message that we will no longer just vote for whoever they put on the ticket just because he is supposedly republican or "not the other guy".

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