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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ariel Sharon showing brain activity seven years into comatose state
A team of Israeli and US scientists say new tests on comatose former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon show significant brain activity. Ben-Gurion University on Sunday said Sharon responded to external stimuli at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba. He was shown pictures of his family and listened to recordings of his son's voice while undergoing a special brain imaging scan. The university said "significant brain activity was observed ... indicating appropriate processing of these stimulations." 

Obama Secretly Pledges to Divide Jerusalem
The negotiator said top members of the Obama administration told the Palestinians the U.S. president will renew talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state in the so-called 1967 borders—meaning in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and, notably, eastern Jerusalem. 

Netanyahu would agree to interim Palestinian state, ex-minister claims
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is willing to agree to the creation of a Palestinian state in provisional borders, even before his conditions for a final-status agreement are met, former minister and veteran peace activist Yossi Beilin said. “I don’t think that Netanyahu, who is far from being a warmonger — he’s a very cautious person — [is ready to commit to] a permanent solution. 

Time has come for 2 states
The issue of Israel's borders is the most important of all. Israel must separate itself from the Palestinians and determine borders that will secure a democratic, egalitarian, legitimate and just state that will maintain a Jewish majority for generations to come.

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