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Friday, June 14, 2013

Obama Administration Now Favors Muslim Clerics for Christian American Military Burial Services

“For some bizarre reason, probably this Muslim outreach again of Barack Obama, they had a Muslim cleric give a prayer.  Why the heck you would have a Muslim prayer and the servicemen are Christian is beyond imagination.  So it has to come from the top down. And this cleric then proceeded in Arabic. No one understood it at the time, but we have a video of it and it was translated by certified translators.  It proceeded to damn my clients’ sons, and others who died, as infidels and that they should go to Hell under Allah, the Muslim god,” said Klayman.

“That’s unbelievable.  We’ve never even gotten an apology from the military that they did that,” said Klayman, who is demanding a congressional investigation and says an announcement of litigation will be coming soon.

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