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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Pro-Choicers Pray to Moloch

By cherry-picking Scripture verses and then citing them out of context, Barack Obama has managed to convince the uninformed that one can profess the Christian faith while endorsing policies that go against the very doctrine the God of the Bible laid out for those who believe.
How does he do it? Well, every chance he gets, Obama perverts Scripture.  Take for instance the time he quoted a verse in Deuteronomy to justify the "moral imperative" of granting amnesty to illegal aliens.  Obama mentioned a passage in the Gospel of Luke to push his tax agenda, and even had to the gall to attempt to use Scripture to validate same-sex marriage.
By utilizing the Bible to support policies that are in fact diametrically opposed to God and His Word, Barack Obama has successfully furthered a brand of pseudo-Christianity that is openly antagonistic toward Biblical precepts while feigning Biblical reverence.
For example, Obama does not respect the rights of religious conscience for Christians under the Affordable Care Act; on multiple occasions, he has chosen to leave out the words "the Creator" when quoting from of the Declaration of Independence; he once ordered crucifixes to be covered during a speech he gave at Georgetown University; he is actively secularizing the military; and he supports policies that are generally hostile toward people of faith.  
The president is so caught up in phony religiosity that with a seemingly clear conscience, he actively promotes abortion policies that destroy "those who cannot speak for themselves" as he quotes Proverbs 31:8, which says "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves."

Read more:

Iowa Democrat prayer: Thank God for abortionists!
Hey, this could be progress. About time last year, the Democratic National Convention booed when the platform committee tried to backtrack and add a mention of God that had been earlier removed. In Iowa, at least Democrats have gone back to openly praying, but perhaps they should be hoping that God isn’t listening:  

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