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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Linchpin for Obama’s plan to predict future leakers unproven, isn’t likely to work, experts say
Obama has ordered federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues based on behavioral profiling techniques that are not scientifically proven to work, according to experts and government documents. The techniques are a key pillar of the Insider Threat Program, an unprecedented government-wide crackdown under which millions of federal bureaucrats and contractors must watch out for “high-risk persons or behaviors” among co-workers. Those who fail to report them could face penalties, including criminal charges.  

Privacy fears grow as Obama weighs expanded gun-buyer database
Mental health advocates are worried that the privacy of people who have received treatment for their illnesses could be jeopardized by a White House push to expand a database used to run background checks on gun buyers. President Barack Obama said he wants to see state governments contribute more names of people barred from buying guns to the database... 

Pastor Ken Hutcherson to Rev. Al Sharpton: ‘Not Again’
So why is it that you think Judeo-Christian believers, the religious right, tea partiers, patriots and white people in general who are starting to feel like second class citizens and separate but equal; are being scrutinized by the IRS and spied on by the NSA. Why should they not stand up and demand equal treatment under the law and the Constitution of these United States of America? 

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