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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Obama tells Pope Francis he is a 'great admirer'

Vatican Astronomers - Prepare For 'Brother Extraterrestrial'
Vatican astronomers have reportedly been working towards locating extraterrestrial life. Earlier in March, the Vatican Observatory cosponsored a major conference on extraterrestrial life that brought together 200 of the leading astrobiologists in the world. What would happen someday if “aliens” showed up and claimed that they seeded life on this planet, guided our evolution and are now here to lead us into a new golden age? And what would happen if the Catholic Church gave those aliens their stamp of approval?” 

Obama tells Pope Francis he is a 'great admirer'
Although Obama and the church remain deeply split over abortion and contraception, Obama considers the pontiff a kindred spirit on issues of economic inequality, and their private meeting in the Papal Library ran longer than scheduled. After they emerged to cameras, Francis presented Obama with a copy of his papal mission statement decrying a global economic system that excludes the poor. Obama said he will keep it in the Oval Office. 

Obama meets Pope Francis during Rome visit
US President Barack Obama says it was a "great honour" to meet Pope Francis for the first time during a European tour dominated by the crisis in Ukraine. He flew into Rome after three days of talks with world leaders in the Netherlands and Brussels. Tensions are high following Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. 

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