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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

As Christian Persecution Spreads - So Does The Faith

As Christian Persecution Spreads - So Does The Faith
In opening this congressional hearing, Rep. Smith pointed out that Christians right now face violence, displacement, or discrimination in 110 nations of the world, and that the 2.3 billion Christians alive today may form the world's largest religion, but that they are also the most persecuted religious group. Rep. Chris Smith said: "It is a huge problem and it's getting worse, not just in the Middle East, but in China, in North Korea and elsewhere." He added that there has been an explosion of persecution against Christians, including martyrdom, torture, and harassment of all kinds.

Bibles decried as ‘religious propaganda,’ banned from Iowa State University hotel
Administrators at a hotel run by Iowa State University have given the boot to Bibles in their guest rooms after protest from a religious separatist group. The push to remove the books began when a guest at the Hotel Memorial Union complained to Freedom From Religion Foundation about the “unwelcome religious propaganda in the bedside table,” according to a local NBC News affiliate.

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