More than 6,000 species of ape have existed at one time or another. The great majority of them have since become extinct and vanished, leaving only some 120 species alive today. But the fossils belonging to these nearly 6,000 extinct species represent a rich source of hoaxes for evolutionists. Unable to point to any concrete evidence, evolutionists surround fossils of extinct apes with biased analyses and then present them as evidence for evolution.
For years now, evolutionists have been employing such methods in order to gather supporters and mislead the public. However, they now need to see that these methods are of no use. The false evidence used by evolutionists to make their tall tales of the alleged human evolution seem more credible—and the debunking of that evidence—are summarized below. However, there are many more evolutionist hoaxes than the few considered here. All the “ancestor of man” reports in the media, as well as the illustrations accompanying them are completely fictitious. Concrete scientific discoveries have now demolished the story that human beings became human by means of a gradual course of development.
Piltdown Man:
A fossil skull was discovered in 1912 and described as belonging to a half-human, half-ape species. For the next 40 years or so, evolutionists used this fossil as one of their supposedly strongest pieces of evidence, making countless analyses and illustrations of it in a statement issued on 21 November 1953, however, Piltdown Man was finally declared to be a hoax. A dating test performed 40 years after its discovery revealed that the jawbone and the skull did not actually belong to each other. More detailed examination revealed that the “Piltdown Man” skull had been assembled by adding an orangutan jaw to a human skull, which was then aged using potassium dichromate. The way that the skull had been displayed in London’s Natural History Museum for 40 years and that no permission had been given for detailed scientific studies to be carried out during that time has gone down as a major scientific scandal. |
![]() JAVA MAN PEKIN MAN DECLASSIFIED IN 1939 | Java Man Pekin Man: Fossils discovered on the islands of Java in 1891 and 1892 were given the name Java Man(Pithecanthropus erectus). Fossils discovered near Pekin in 1923-1927 were given the name Pekin Man (Sinanthropus pekinensis). In 1939, however, two experts, Ralph von Koenigswald and Franz Weidenreich, revealed that both were actually normal human beings.(1) And Ernst Mayr from Harvard University had classified both as human in 1944.(2) |
Zinjanthropus: A fossil discovered in 1959 and declared to be the ancestor of man. However, subsequent investigations revealed that Zinjanthropus was in fact an ordinary ape in all respects. Zinjanthropus, whose scientific name was twice revised, is regarded by contemporary evolutionists as an extinct life form with nothing to do with human beings.(3)
These three completely different illustrations produced for the Zinjanthropus fossil are examples of how evolutionists interpret fossils in a highly imaginative manner.
Nebraska Man: A single tooth, discovered in 1922 by Henry F. Osborn of the American Museum of Natural History, was depicted as belonging to an intermediate life form between apes and human beings.owever, in an article published inScience magazine in 1927, Osborn’s colleague William Gregory stated that the tooth actually belonged to a wild boar—whereupon all evolutionist claims regarding the fossil were quietly laid aside. The illustration to the side, produced on the basis of a single tooth by evolutionists of the time, was published in the press. This attempt by evolutionists to reconstruct a living thing on the basis of a single tooth is a striking instance of how biased and misleading they can be when it comes to defending and imposing their theories.
The illustration above shows the Homo sapiens neanderthalensis Amud 1 skull discovered in Israel. Its owner has been estimated to be 1.80 meters. tall, and its brain volume is the greatest so far discovered: 1740 cubic centimeters.
Neandertal Man: After the first specimens were discovered in the Neander Valley in 1856, evolutionists suggested that Neanderthals were primitive ape-men. Subsequent archaeological discoveries, however, revealed that there was no scientific basis to that claim. Erik Trinkhaus, an expert on the subject of the Neanderthals and also an evolutionist, has admitted that, “Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with those of modern humans have shown that there is nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively indicates locomotor, manipulative, intellectual, or linguistic abilities inferior to those of modern humans.”(4)
In addition, the size of the Neanderthal Man skull—200 cubic centimeters greater than that of present-day humans—reveals the invalidity of the claim that it was an intermediate form between humans and apes.
The illustration above shows the Homo sapiens neanderthalensisAmud 1 skull discovered in Israel. Its owner has been estimated to be 1.80 meters. tall, and its brain volume is the greatest so far discovered: 1740 cubic centimeters
![]() A fossil belonging to the Neanderthal race |
A fossil belonging to the Neanderthal race
The Taung Child: A fossil skull discovered by Raymond Dart in South Africa in 1924 was initially depicted as a supposed ancestor of man. However, contemporary evolutionists can no longer maintain that it represents such an ancestor—because it subsequently transpired that the skull belonged to a young gorilla! The famous anatomist Bernard Wood stated that this fossil constitutes no evidence in favor of evolution in an article published inNew Scientist magazine.(5)
Lucy:This fossil, discovered in Africa in 1974, was widely esteemed by evolutionists and was the subject of some of the most intensive speculation. Recently however, it has been revealed that Lucy (A. afarensis) had an anatomy ideally suited to climbing trees and was no different from other apes we are familiar with.(6) The French scientific journal Science et Vie covered the story in 1999 under the headline“Adieu, Lucy.” One study, performed in 2000, discovered a locking system in Lucy’s forearms enabling it to walk using the knuckles, in the same way as modern-day chimps.(7)
In the face of all these findings, many evolutionist experts declared that Lucy could not have been a forerunner of man.(8) |
![]() DECLASSIFIED IN 1981 |
Ramapithecus: A partial jawbone, consisting of two parts, was discovered by G.E. Lewis in India in the 1930s. Based on these two jaw bone fragments, claimed to be 14 million years old, evolutionists reconstructed Ramapithecus’s family and supposed natural habitat (at side). For fifty years, the fossil was portrayed as an ancestor of Man but following the results of a 1981 anatomical comparison with a baboon skeleton, evolutionists were forced to quietly set it aside.(9)
(1) B. Theunissen, Eugene Dubois and the Ape-Man from Java, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989, p. 39. (2) Garniss Curtis, Carl Swisher and Roger Lewin, Java Man, London: Abacus, , 2000, p. 87. (3) (4) Erik Trinkaus, “Hard Times Among the Neanderthals,” Natural History, Vol. 87, December 1978, p. 10. (5) Bernard Wood, “Who Are We?.” New Scientist, 26.10.2002, p. 44. (6) Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York: Taplinger Publications, 1970, pp. 75-94; Fred Spoor, Bernard Wood, Frans Zonneveld, “Implication of Early Hominid Labryntine Morphology for Evolution of Human Bipedal Locomotion,” Nature, Vol. 369, 23 June 1994, pp. 645-648. (7) Richmond, B.G. and Strait, D.S., “Evidence that humans evolved from a knuckle-walking ancestor.” Nature 404(6776): 382, 2000. (8) “Discovery rocks human-origin theories,” Tim Friend, 21 March 2003: science/2001-03-21-skull.htm
(9) Science Digest, April 1981.
(9) Science Digest, April 1981.
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