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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Abortion isn't about Choice. It's about Money.

The Conservative Voice
2005/1/12 16:11:26
Nathan Tabor

In fact, in the 32 years since 1973, when Roe v Wade became the law of the land, more than 45.5 million unborn children in America have been sacrificed to the gods of selfishness, hedonism and personal convenience. That comes out to well over 4,000 infanticides per day, for three-plus decades.

Put in historical perspective, the abortion industry in America has slaughtered seven times as many helpless children as Adolf Hitler did Jews during his infamous Final Solution. What is the difference between Hitler and abortion? The world banned together and stopped Hitler.

These sobering facts cause me to contemplate just why this is happening in a nation founded on morals and values. One simple answer comes to mind. It is done for 'the love of money' which happens to be 'the root of all evil.

With that in mind let's examine the profits of Planned Parenthood, the nation's most prominent provider of so-called 'abortion rights,' as revealed in its 2003-04 Annual Report.

- Planned Parenthood clinics performed 244,628 surgical abortions, an increase of 6.1 percent. A total 3.5 million surgical abortions have been performed at PP clinics to since 1970.

- Planned Parenthood clinics grossed $302.6 million last year, with $104 million coming from surgical abortions.

- Total PP income for the year was $810 million, with one-third of that, or $265.2 million, coming from public funds given by our elected officials.

- The PP organization has earned net profits for the past 18 years in a row, totaling $538 million.

Meanwhile, private donations to Planned Parenthood dropped for the second time in three years, and the number of PP-operated clinics declined from 866 to 849.

“Increases in abortions, more money from taxpayers’ pockets, and bigger profit margins — all while clinics are closing down and donations are dwindling. That is the state of Planned Parenthood,” said Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League’s watchdog agency STOPP International.

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