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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Hajj pilgrim returns from Mecca, slits daughter's throat

January 27, 2005

Hajj pilgrim returns from Mecca, slits daughter's throat

One would think, if all the 'This is Not Islam' talk is to be believed, that somewhere along this man's pilgrimage to Mecca or in his work at the Islamic Affairs Ministry he might have picked up the idea that he shouldn't do this sort of thing. But Islam's fundamental ideal is purity: anything that sullies that purity must be destroyed.

A Kuwaiti man has reportedly confessed to killing his 14-year-old daughter because he believed she was having sex.

Adnan Enezi - an employee in the Islamic Affairs ministry - had just returned from the pilgrimage to Mecca.
He allegedly bound and blindfolded his daughter, Haifa, knelt her down in front of her two brothers and sister and then cut her throat.

Forensic tests showed Haifa was still a virgin, police sources said. Mr Enezi is being questioned about the case.

Thousands of women are killed by relatives each year in the Middle East and Asia in so-called honour crimes - usually over suspected adultery, pre-marital sex or after having being raped, or marrying without family consent....
The daily said that after cutting Haifa's throat the first time, he swapped the knife for one with a sharper blade as she bled and screamed in front of her siblings.

Dhimmi Watch: Hajj pilgrim returns from Mecca, slits daughter's throat

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